Sitting in class fidgeting with my phone in Graphic Design. (Even though I gotta take 22 photographs by two weeks with all tweaked and separated into different categories)
Trying to go back to sleep. I have to take a bath tonight with a special soap, and again at like 3am (since my surgery is at 5am and it takes an hour to get there), so I decided I'm just gonna try to stay up tonight and then sleep after my surgery is done tomorrow morning.
Just listening to music. I had to wake up at 2am to take my pain medicine and get my ice cooler refilled so I'm gonna try to lull myself back to sleep until 6am, when I'll have to repeat the process. 3 hours of sleep here I (hopefully) come!
Trying to multitask between my phone and listening to my math teacher AND doing my homework, what am I even doing? (I could really use some pineapple-free pizza...)
I've been so hard on myself lately, I tend to get jealous of others and Im all the time comparing myself with others too. I guess I think if I don't catch someone's attention and... well anyways I just don't feel like I'm good enough. Ever.
Tomorrow I'm gonna do some drawings, thinking about drawing myself and a picture of Harvey too. I miss making hippie drawings lol