What are you doing right now other than looking at this forum?

Listening to music, probably gonna play Captain Toad or Luigi's Mansion soon.
I'm grading some papers right now and working on an essay. Thankfully I'm jamming to some Queen while I do so, though. 8)
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I was playing Forknife, jk Fortnite and now I'm watching my brother playing his boring game..zzzzz
Listening to music. Contemplating stuff.
Just got back to my nice, warm dorm room. Bout to go curl up in bed with a hot cup of Chai, King of the Hill on the TV, and play some New Leaf. It's been a while since I played last...
I'm playing my NES. just got to try out the copy of Golf I bought when I got MP1; works perfectly, and I got a score of +26 which isn't great but I think it's one of my personal bests!

Atm I'm playing Jaws. I've only beaten this game once and I know it's kinda trash but it's also really fun lol
playing ACNL and looking at Christmas QR codes so I can get a head start on decorating my town, I'm thinking of converting it to a permanent Christmas themed town because that's my favorite season/time to play ACNL
cleaning the kitchen mostly. took a break to have coffee and try the mirror challenge :} submitted my guess, now I gotta draw a fake pok?mon