What are you going to do this summer?

rot away in my room and probably have a depressive spike! hopefully get some persona merch too. maybe go to a con? maybe. i have no idea. i just wanna chill and survive
This Summer i’m going on holiday with my partner for the first time which I am really excited for. Other than that I don’t have any plans. Just gaming, drawing, watching tv and seeing what plans pop up along the way. Hope everyone else enjoys their summer. ��
i have exams till july which is awful but after that im just going to rest as much as i can, do some volunteering and go on forest adventures! i want to do so much stuff this summers holidays, but they are so tiny because of the exams that its getting kind of overwhelming!!
hm probably practising drawing and piano since i will have a lot of free time
im looking forward to not worrying about homework :)
I'm taking summer courses so the same thing as the rest of the year; studying & being stressed and depressed
rot away in my room and probably have a depressive spike! hopefully get some persona merch too. maybe go to a con? maybe. i have no idea. i just wanna chill and survive

that was LITERALLY my first thought when i saw this thread title lmao, rot in my room
Walk a lot and eat at places that have milkshakes, yougurt or icecream. I want to try some places I been wanting to go to for frozen yougurt
This summer I’m going to be doing an internship, which should be both a fun and valuable learning experience! I also plan on resuming my martial arts during the summer, taking an online class, and POSSIBLY having a part-time job as well to make some more money. I don’t know if I’ll have enough time for the part-time job, however, because of the other things I mentioned. :)
My third post in this thread and the answer is relatively the same :’) I’m working half the hours I did last summer at my job, but I’m thinking about getting a second job as a server to make some more money. I may end up taking a class or two that I need to graduate over the summer before my last year of college starts... terrifying to think that this is my last summer without too many obligations. I’d like to save up quite a bit before graduating so I have money to fall back on if times get tough !
Working, like I do every summer. Hopefully I'll be playing Animal Crossing Switch lol
I'll be going to the beach in early May, and after that I'll be starting my new program in June. :) Hopefully I'll get to go to the fair in August, it's been awhile since I've been!
The same thing I do every day...try to take over the world! :p

But seriously, summer will just be the same old thing for me. Get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, play Animal Crossing, go to bed, repeat.
Probably nothing special. I'll probably work, and then when I'm home I'll just lounge around, watch anime, play video games, all that good stuff. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll get to go to a con or two, but that's all I have planned.