What are you going to do this summer?

I'm probably just going to be working and I'm going to take summer classes in college just to speed up my degree, but I do plan on going to the beach a lot. I did all kinds of things last summer, but I really want to take a trip up to Canada or something if I have the time.
go 2 the beach w my bf, get a job, n just hang out w him a bunch 2 cuz he has his license now
I'm going back to my hometown! I'll get a job, go to school and live life as a young adult!
my main goal is to get a switch and play it non stop during the summer vacation lol
I plan on taking a Gap year after i graduate, or maybe start preparing for collage. I have yet to find one that i like, or has the stuff i want. It's a struggle.

I'm more so leaning on gap year it feels like. Hopefully I'm not so stressed once im out of highschool
Nothing at all because every year my family doesn't do want to do anything that is very fun.
Hopefully an internship if any of my applications work out! If not then probably retail and a loooooot of waiting for college to start.
I might end up having to live in Minnesota for a few months because of my dads work, but I’m not excited because there’s nothing in that town.
get ready for high school, i guess. other than that, i'd probably just stay in my room and play animal crossing and talk to friends.
I'm hoping to work at the same place I did the last two summers, but I haven't heard from them about reapplying yet so I'm a tad concerned (I know it's only February but last year they told us to reapply at the beginning of January already)
1 Hopefully getting a new job. I one I have now is fine, except the hours. I don't get enough hours and I've already tried to get more. It's been 9 or 10 months. Nothings changing any time soon.
2 Doing somethin fun hopefully.
3 Other? Idk.
I've been working at a summer camp for the past seven summers, but this year I will not! I need to finish two more university courses to graduate, so I'll be doing that and working. Also, Trundle and I have seven weddings to attend this summer!! So much fun!!
Hopefully get some free time to go on vacation, it?s been too long and I need some good beach time.