I'm probably just going to be working and I'm going to take summer classes in college just to speed up my degree, but I do plan on going to the beach a lot. I did all kinds of things last summer, but I really want to take a trip up to Canada or something if I have the time.
I plan on taking a Gap year after i graduate, or maybe start preparing for collage. I have yet to find one that i like, or has the stuff i want. It's a struggle.
I'm more so leaning on gap year it feels like. Hopefully I'm not so stressed once im out of highschool
I'm hoping to work at the same place I did the last two summers, but I haven't heard from them about reapplying yet so I'm a tad concerned (I know it's only February but last year they told us to reapply at the beginning of January already)
1 Hopefully getting a new job. I one I have now is fine, except the hours. I don't get enough hours and I've already tried to get more. It's been 9 or 10 months. Nothings changing any time soon.
2 Doing somethin fun hopefully.
3 Other? Idk.
I've been working at a summer camp for the past seven summers, but this year I will not! I need to finish two more university courses to graduate, so I'll be doing that and working. Also, Trundle and I have seven weddings to attend this summer!! So much fun!!