What Are You Happy About Today?

Heard from someone who I liked a lot years back (Still like of course). It made my heart warm and comfortable. Thank you, King.

And, something very bad that I've been scared of didn't happen last night. I was able to have some relaxed afternoon. I'm appreciative now.
Finished a long ass quest grind today... So glad to have my weapon. Gonna have to use it in another quest thing that takes time but that is that.
My interviewer said that I was able to move on to the second interview! It'll be with a different person, though, but still - heck yeah! :D
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Plants! I got some plants today, succulents cause I'd kill anythin not a succulent or cactus.
Ate Chinese today and it was delicious! My fortune cookie was kind of special and I hope it comes true. :blush:
My favorite sports team won tonight. They're actually putting together a decent season.
This vendor we tried out almost failed to deliver our posters we ordered but they managed to pull clutch at the end thankfully! We almost missed our deadline! That said, definitely never going with them again. Super dumb.
I finished my Monster Mash-up entry and uploaded it today!
This was also the first piece I've done with my new markers, and I'm really pleased with how it turned out, especially since I normally use pencils. Whoo!
I'm auditioning in a couple hours for a production of Be More Chill. The theatre troupe that puts it on has an all female cast, so I'm excited to see if I switch things up for once and be a male character. Super excited.

Edit: Just got back from my audition! I sang a section of 'Mad Hatter' from Wonderland the musical, and I read some of Christine's, The SQUIP's, and Chloe's lines and overall I think it went well. We're supposed to expect a cast list this weekend.
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Had a small happy hour at a local restaurant. Discovered a new brewery at dinner and a nice vanilla ale. Found it in a store. Just happy to have the next two days off. TGIF, all my fellow hard-working belltree fam!
It's Friday! I made it through another difficult week of work and I'm looking forward to sleeping in and relaxing this weekend...oh, and working on my Monster Mash-Up entry.
I woke up and had a very productive day, getting a lot done. I also got to chill for a lot of the day too and play some video games. Finally, one of my favorite sports teams won again. So not only did I have a productive day, but a fun one as well! :D
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I just got home from hanging out with a good friend of mine. Pretty unexpected. I just got a call from her saying if I wanted to chill with her - and it was pretty nice. :)
I found $15 to Bread Co. (aka Panera to everyone outside of St. Louis). I got a pick 2 of Frontega Chicken and Creamy Tomato Soup for lunch on this rainy day.
I'm going to go to a haunted house later today, and I'll be meeting my friends there. I don't think it'll be that scary - it'll be at a public library with a bunch of kids and all that. Still, I'm excited!
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Cancelled my plans for tonight. Home alone with a bottle of Baileys just enjoying some downtime before going into another hectic 12 days.
My friend let me borrow her hot water bag contraption for my lower back (/shakes cane at PMS) for hours last night and today, I have less pain there. (,:
I’m happy right now because I love my friends and family so much, more than I can put into words. If that’s not a reason to be happy, I don’t know what is. Give me hugs please, okay? <3

I’m also happy because I get to stay up late. :p
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i'm officially off work for 3 weeks YAY, gonna spend today doing some of the tbt events! & then going on a trip on friday which i'm rly rly rly rly excited for (altho also super nervous)
1. my friend from san diego is coming back in winter and we've made plans to meet up!
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