What Are You Happy About Today?

- Today's my 27th birthday and I received a lot of nice birthday messages. My family and I are going to celebrate it tomorrow though since the weather was a bit ugly.
- Played AC: New Horizons and K.K. Slider gave me the K.K. Birthday song.
- Went for a quick walk outside in the afternoon.
- I've been watching some NBA lately and I'm glad that the Warriors won against the Suns.
- Watched Kung Fu Panda 3 and loved it. I'll also watch the recent film in the series soon.
Happy birthday!
Today (well, yesterday) was a really fulfilling day!
  • Had a breakfast by the beach with family! I only stayed for a short time as I was also doing early morning errands, but I'm glad I got to chill with them for a bit.
  • Got in 3.5 hours of lecture! Wish I got in more but hey, better than nothing at all. Hoping to finish the rest of the lectures today :)
  • Spent the sunset with friends at another beach! We had an early-dinner picnic with pizza, donuts, cookies, nuggets, and chips. The sunset was really pretty too, and we took lots of pictures. It was extremely relaxing and fun, I'm so glad!
  • Had a (second) dinner with family! My friends and I finished our sunset picnic early so I had time to drop by the restaurant where my parents were having dinner, and I'm glad I got to spend time with them too. I don't want them to feel like I've been neglecting them since I started review school again!
  • Got to squeeze in a game of MK8! I caught up with the last round just in the nick of time :] Glad to see my friends joined in the round as well!
My day is just starting but so far there are a few things I’m happy about:

I got 40% of the exploration done for Genshin’s limited time land of vibrant stone and flaming springs 🥳, I need to get 80% done to get all the primogems. I don’t think I’ll be able to in the short time, but I did get to 40% when I didn’t think I could, so I’ll see. I won’t sweat it though if I don’t; my fault for being away from the game 😅.

I was able to find some more remarkable chests while exploring; I’d look them up but been in no rush this time to look up their locations (at least for now).

I finally got another dream solvent in Genshin that I needed to convert a material into something that Neuvillett needed for his next skill level up.

I have been struggling getting this sketch for a drawing request looking the way I want to (what I have drawn so far), but I think I got it looking the way I want it to and can no make some more progress hopefully.

Tomorrow we were going to the apple store early in the morning but there was a change in plans so we’re going Tuesday. I do want to go but the delay is kinda welcome because of my anxiety to leave the house and I hate getting up in the morning.

My dad had work today so it was quiet all day. My cough medicine knocked me out so I didn’t hear him at all this morning.

I’m looking forward to tonight’s Among Us session if we have enough 🙂.

That’s it for now!
Happy today because I got to binge more Fairy Tail and then slept in. Still really enjoying that show so much. I'm also looking forward to a possible Mario Party session tonight. I love SMP Jamboree so much and feel like I'm getting better at it each time I play. I already completed my dailies and events in my gachas, so I have the rest of the day to do whatever I want! Think I'll probably chill for a bit and maybe write some, or maybe even binge more Fairy Tail! Hope everyone has a great week! :blush: 💚
  • Had a good day. I was feeling sluggish for a large part of the day but I managed to read a lot and take a shower then after practicing violin I got a spike in energy so I feel good now :)
  • I’m super hyped for New Years!
  • There’s a coffee event in my apartment building tomorrow I’m going to. Looking forward to it!
  • I got the dates for my volunteer shifts with the cat rescue for January. I have three shifts in the month of January all within the next week and a half 🐈‍⬛
My parents and I watched a couple episodes of Demon Slayer this morning! My mom and I also watched Haikyu: Battle of Concepts, and my dad joined us for the post-credits scene!

I played Pocket Camp for a bit! The little fireworks minigame going on right now is cute ahahah

Worked on art some more today!! Designing outfits is sometimes a struggle for me, but I think I’ve come up with a fitting one that I like!

Also watched ImpulseSV’s Christmas Minecraft Guess the Build video with my family this evening!! Krampus nearly had me in tears asdkjkgsfklgjs
We’re caught up with everyone’s videos from this session now! ^^
This weekend went over nice, beyond one thing, but she is recovering it sounds like.
I managed to get a book bought that sold out from under me twice today while looking at other books. I guess I didn't realize it was that popular of a book. I did manage to order it. It isn't new, it's from 2003 so idk why the rush. I ordered a used one because it was a little cheaper than brand new and I'm not interested in ebooks. I suppose they too had a similar train of thought. I also stayed home today from going anywhere and I am happy I was able to do that since December is basically done for me. I'm happy that my leg compression thing is helping. It made this month possible for me. Infact, I'm using it right now so I can hopefully sleep afterwards.
I added a new post to my Ataraxia journal the other day, and it's been literally MONTHS since I've done that, and it has inspired me to add so much~
I plan to at least finish upto year 2021, which I am close since I am upto November of that year. This is so I can organise the amount I have as pictures and delete I don't want on my switch. I also upload these photos to my tumblr so I have a second place they're uploaded. Just in fear of losing anything but it does feel a good relief.

It's annoying i have to go to work and then to a shop to grab some shampoo, but once home I plan to upload more :D
A short one today! I hope you've all been doing well, and have been having a warm and happy holiday season. ❤️
  • I got to play some MK8D and Among Us with TBT peeps this weekend! 🚗
  • I'm glad I've had some time off over Christmas. 😴
  • I had a lot of fun with the Season of Giving event! I really enjoyed all of the tasks, I'm really grateful for the stocking I received, all of the Christmas Lights I received, and all of the gifts too. Thank you so much. 💝💗
  • I had a really nice Christmas with my family. I love and appreciate them all so much. 💖💗
  • My BFF drew me an amazing picture for Christmas! It was such a surprise, by far my favourite gift, and so extremely thoughtful. ❤️💗
-I gave one of the stories to my penpal that I've been working on for some time. Still have a ways to go. They really loved the story and were super excited to read it and commented so much on it. It made me happy that they really liked it and were going through so many different theories about where the story was potentially heading.

-It's been a hectic time since after the holidays, but I found some time today and yesterday to work on my art and drawings. I made a lot of progress and am happy with how they all turned out!

-The Secret Santa reveal happened a while back, but it was so fun being part of and I hope I can make it for next years. I loved everyone's art they did and I love the drawing I got to! Hazel looks so cute and little!

-I never expected to be gifted a stocking art at all. I loved the one Azurill drew for me. Had so many different and great items added to it that I really loved. Thank you so much again! You're so amazing!

-I'm not sure if I shared it in this thread, but I got these as gifts. I love my Pokemon blanket. It's so comfy. Love the plushies and this game is so cute and fun!

Went for a walk this morning!!

I’ve caught up a bit on housework! I fell behind a bit during Christmas and still have some things I need to do, but I got a good start on things today!

Took a break from personal art today to work on a Toyhouse bio for one of my characters! I have a lot of fun customizing HTML codes to suit them, and coming up with voice headcanons/musical themes/moodboards ahaha ;v;

My parents and I watched SmallishBeans’ most recent Hermitcraft video!
Happy today because I got up early and covered again for someone at work. It was a busy, but productive day. I had a lot of laughs at work too and just generally a good time. I'm also looking forward to the Genshin Impact and Wuthering Waves updates this week, as well as having New Year's Day off. Lastly, the Dallas Mavericks play the Sacramento Kings tonight. Whether they win or lose, it should be a fun game! 🏀 🔥 💚
Round up of the past few days!
  • Completed Care Bears: To the Rescue on Sunday evening. It was a really fun game. The only Care Bear I wish I could have played as was Bedtime Bear, my all time favourite!
  • Bought TT Isle of Man – Ride On the Edge 2 and Instant Games: Summer from the Nintendo eShop.
  • Thank you @xSuperMario64x , @azurill and @-Blue- for the replies in the WBY thread. 💜 They made me feel so much better as I really did get annoyed when someone randomly said that about Blossom. I love her to bits and would always keep her in the best health. Blue, you hit the nail on the head, I would always take the advice from the vet rather than a random person! 🫂
  • Picked up some half price Christmas treats for Blossom and I! They've got a great best before date so we can spread the Holiday magic as long as possible! I don't understand why I didn't see them before Christmas! It's as if they've found extra stock in their warehouse and just put it out! Since it's coming to the end of Blossom being able to wear her Christmas outfits, I bought her a rainbow type jumper for the winter. If it fits good, I'm going to get her another one. I couldn't resist and bought her a squeaky shoe. I also managed to pick up 2 diaries. I usually keep a diary myself and put appointments in the other one.
- I went shopping with my parents at the thrift store and found a book at a cheap price.
- Went to a cafe to pick up a strawberry birthday cake.
- Had some yummy kabob for dinner.
- Caught a shiny Rayquaza in Pokémon Scarlet. My Gardevoir helped a lot in the Tera Raid battle, she's a great dragon slayer.
- Luna slept so cutely on the bed. She's currently sleeping on my lap.
Luna sleeping 13.JPG
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update on this:
edit: also I am so so so worried that my passport won't come back to me in time for my trip, if it doesn't I will be devastated 💔
I just got an email early this morning saying that my passport application is in progress as of yesterday, and since I paid for expedited service and priority mail return, I should have it back to me in about three weeks. I'm so relieved 🥺💗