My mood has been not good today but, I just took a look at the stocking stuffers and I’m incredibly touched and happy

. I’m also feeling guilty for not being able to do extras as I had hoped to do.
I’m posting this here since the stocking stuffer thread is loading slow for me.
@KittenNoir @BetsySundrop @Halloqueen @Xara @Muna
@oak @skarmoury - I’m so incredibly touched

. You’re all so kind; I’m really glad I’ve gotten to know all of you

. I feel the same about you all; always nice to see you all and read your posts

. I love them all and what you wrote in the description, so incredibly thoughtful and creative. I’d love to draw something for you all sometime though even though Christmas is over

. I still owe Xara a draw the user above you, but if you have any requests or just want to be surprised, I’d be happy to return the favor

. I just bought procreate and got a drawing pencil so I’m eager to try them both out!
@Dinosaur thank you so much again for the amazing and really adorable secret santa art.

I love everything about it. Your art style is really cool!
This event. It started out a bit rough for me, but I’m seriously glad I pushed through. I had so much fun probably more fun than the halloween event since I was burnt out for that one

. I love the collectibles from the gift boxes and was happy to see the charities that were being donated too.
I was so happy that my family was able to get the usual crab for part of our meal; it was so delicious! We get crab only at Christmas unless it is too expensive.
My kitties got extra spoiled today too. One of my nieces spent her own money to buy them some toys

. My nieces loves my cats so much. My oldest niece also made me a cat Christmas card.
Jewels got in the scratcher house before my mom was done and she swatted at spanky when spanky peeked in it

. I couldn’t find her favorite banana toy in the store but I found a rainbow and pineapple thing by the same brand. she seems to love it…for now

. Both of them love this cat teaser with feathers we got them; feathers are already falling out lol.
Jewels rested on my lap a little while my sister and her family were about to leave. She and Spanky don’t like the noise or energy. They did come out more than usual though

I tried a bit of spiritfarer and cozy grove! Both have really cute art and came with some cute stickers; and seem interesting so far.
Been having fun playing Genshin; I think I’m caught up to the story now; i’m bummed a bit about that in a way. Really excited still about the new character I like and seeing what happens next

That’s it for now!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!