What Are You Happy About Today?

i've just been told by my surgical nurse that my sinuses should be completely healed now. This means i can finally use straws again (i have my own metal ones which i bring everywhere which can finally get used again), as well as blow my nose and all the other fun stuff u need ur sinuses for
I honestly can't explain how overjoyed I am right now.
My English class just ended. I had two final English essays that were due all the way back on the 12th, both of which I were unable to finish until this morning. In addition to that, I felt that the papers were really rushed and badly done. I thought that I would inevitably fail the course.
However, the assignments were graded tonight, and one of them got full points, while the other almost got full points. Am I dreaming? I'm so relieved and looking forward to a hopefully stress-free holiday break.
I caught 3 Pok?mon via max raids today. :D Not bad considering I only had a bit of time to play Shield after work.
I honestly can't explain how overjoyed I am right now.
My English class just ended. I had two final English essays that were due all the way back on the 12th, both of which I were unable to finish until this morning. In addition to that, I felt that the papers were really rushed and badly done. I thought that I would inevitably fail the course.
However, the assignments were graded tonight, and one of them got full points, while the other almost got full points. Am I dreaming? I'm so relieved and looking forward to a hopefully stress-free holiday break.

Oh yay, I'm so happy for you! Nothing beats a stress-free break where you just get to relax and not think of any responsibilities for the time being. ♥
My mom went to the ENT doctor to get the results of her CT scan and found out that while the lump is indeed a tumor it is NOT cancerous or life threatening in any way! Woo hoo! We're all so relieved and happy. With her having cancer before we've been on pins & needles worrying about what this lump in her neck is. This is the first time we felt like we could take a breath since Thanksgiving week. She does have to have the lump removed because it's near her carotid artery but the ENT doc said she can wait until after the holidays to have the surgery. He does want her to make the appointment asap but only because it takes forever to get an appointment for surgery.

Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes & words of encouragement!
My mom went to the ENT doctor to get the results of her CT scan and found out that while the lump is indeed a tumor it is NOT cancerous or life threatening in any way! Woo hoo! We're all so relieved and happy. With her having cancer before we've been on pins & needles worrying about what this lump in her neck is. This is the first time we felt like we could take a breath since Thanksgiving week. She does have to have the lump removed because it's near her carotid artery but the ENT doc said she can wait until after the holidays to have the surgery. He does want her to make the appointment asap but only because it takes forever to get an appointment for surgery.

Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes & words of encouragement!

Ahhh so happy for you guys! Hope that surgery goes well though :)
Ahhh so happy for you guys! Hope that surgery goes well though :)

Thank you! Having surgery is always a concern but we're relieved she doesn't have to go through chemo again on top of the surgery. We're just relieved in general. lol!
Thank you! Having surgery is always a concern but we're relieved she doesn't have to go through chemo again on top of the surgery. We're just relieved in general. lol!

Yeah true, that thing can be literally hell if you're not in shape for it and really painful regardless... Must be really nice to hear so you can relax over the holidays c:
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My favourite musician (who normally does progressive rock and metal) released an orchestral album today and it's absolutely beautiful!!
i'm meeeting my friend in a week! :) i've probably said this like 10 times on this thread but still! i'm super excited. we've been friends since the 4th grade and i haven't seen her in a year and a half. she's an absolute angel and it's the only thing that's getting me through this week tbh.
I don’t know if I mentioned it here or not in the What’s Bothering You thread this fall, but I mentioned how I was having a rough time because even though I was doing well in most of my classes, there was one I didn’t think I was going to pass. I’m in my senior year of university so I can’t really afford to fail anything. And I know grades and stuff aren’t the only important thing in life, but I hold great value in them and they’re one of the only things that makes me happy right now. Well it turns out I ended up passing that class after all. After everything I’ve had to deal with this semester, that really made my day. I’m having trouble containing myself from crying. Someone please help me ;_;
I lit a Christmas candle and now it smells like pine in here! ^__________^
I finally don't really feel sick now, yay~
No more coughs which...if you know me...I will get sick probably later. ;w;