What Are You Happy About Today?

My coworker and her friend made my bf and I vegan cookies! They even went out of the way to buy vegan margarine and nut milk.
break started today so i finally have time to work on projects and stuff. and im hoping for a better schedule for next semester classes. at least a better lunch block
Tomorrow is Friday and I only have to work a half day, then I'm done with work for the rest of the year! Also, my boss brought in some really good doughnuts today.
I just got another final exam grade back and I got a perfect score on it! Didn’t even miss one point. :blush:
My boyfriend has today a day off and I can spend some time with him. Am really happy somehow :)
Nice to have a weekend where I don't have to plan my days for reading and discussion questions. And hopefully get some creative stuff done.
Last day of work for the year! We ordered in breakfast and our department heads treated us to a three course meal for lunch. They gifted us chocolate and I also won a bottle of prosecco in our office raffle. Then I was allowed to go 2.5hrs early! Great way to finish up the year! :blush:
I'm done with work for the rest of the year! Well, mostly. I do have to log in from home one day next week to move some files for implementation, but that should only take a few minutes. I finished the last of my Christmas shopping and wrapping today, so I'm looking forward to relaxing for a few days before all the family gatherings begin.
I got the last of my grades back! Looks like I received two Cs, two Bs, and two As. That was one really tough semester, and I’m not quite sure how I made it through other than the constant support from my friends both IRL and from here. I also went to martial arts again tonight and am getting back to top form again in that. I really can’t believe I only have one semester of university left. I don’t think I’m that smart, XD. We are also going shopping for a Christmas tree later today, so maybe that will put me more in the Christmas spirit again. I know listening to the winter music on ACNL while snow was falling in my town helped. Seriously don’t know what I would do without you all. <3

EDIT: Oh, and my favorite sports team won as well. :)
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Hit the 5 mil score mark on that 3D Pinball game/demo last night. Considering how bad it is/was for its time and the flippers and the hole between them is a bit too large it's very easy to fail even with tilting I considering it cool. Also even if running it in compability mode for XP it kinda sucks if you machine is too new.

Still great nostalgia game.
I'm happy my area has escaped the bushfires, and sad that so many are raging out of control.
Helped my mum with cleaning, putting up new Christmas lights and wrapping up cat presents.
Got to see my cats enjoy their catnip XD
And almost ready to reset my pokemon Platnium to play from scratch again! Just trading over items to another Platinum game!
if you've been keeping up with my recent posts on here, you'd know that on sunday, my friend from the us is coming and im super ecstatic! tomorrow's the big day :D i can't wait!
I’m more in the Christmas spirit now. I told my dad and mom that I didn’t want them to spend anything for me for Christmas since we’re tight on money, and that that would make me happy. I tell them this every year though nowadays. In return, I bought our Christmas tree this year for my mom. I just love spending time with family and friends both IRL, on here, and in TA-DA as well. Perhaps that is the greatest gift of all. <3
Today's been a sad day for me but I did finally get my light blue balloon collectible so that's heckin cool :,,,,)