I got to leave work early today and I finished pretty much all of my Christmas shopping. I only have a gift card and a few cards to pick up, but thank goodness the hardest part is done.
Getting to see my college admissions counselor. Even if I only talked to her for ten minutes, I'm really glad to have the chance to meet with her one on one.
Honestly, this day started off like crap but just kept getting better and better. I had more final exams today, but I think I’ve done well enough in all of my finals so far to pass my classes. I just started feeling more happy and confident throughout the day and now that I only have one to go I feel like I’m off and running to the end of university. I haven’t been able to catch a long break from school since... what, the summer of 2018? So yeah, it’s been a long time coming, LOL. I’ve put in a lot of hard work and I’m very proud of it. Long journey farewell, my friends.
i've finally decided what i'm doing after graduating!! i'm meeting with an old high school teacher of mine next week to discuss some things about graduate school, and he's going to give me some books in greek to translate so i can practice.
I have a collection of stuffed animal cats based off of a Japanese cartoon show (IDK what the show is called) and there's 4 total, an orange Tabby named Toramachi, a grey tabby named Amemori, a lazy pale yellow cat named Mikemura and the last one I needed, the black Samurai cat named Kuroki.
My collection of the stuffed animal squishy cats is COMPLETE. It's literally been months, they weren't always at the store I get them from. I just love them, they're so cute and squishy and soft and I love them. Pics soon.
Found out I passed one of my classes and I’m literally so excited to find out my other grades! I haven’t been this happy in a long time. I feel so energized even though it’s early morning here right now. I should go to sleep though.
I didn't have to work today and I got to sleep in. I slept pretty well for the first time in a few days. I've been kind of sick, but I'm starting to feel better today. Also, my favorite sports team won today!