What Are You Happy About Today?

Sometimes that's the best thing to do for mental health lol

I scheduled an appt with a hair stylist today! I'm gonna go in tomorrow at 3pm. Super excited, it's been about 5 years since I've had my hair cut by a professional stylist :blush:

Ohh enjoy! Bet you're gonna look fab!

Also eternally happy you told me about the balance board like i had no idea u had to make the button be behind you khgfg

also my dresses fitted well and she also sent me a pair of bloomers for free (like not short poofy 18th century ones, more like an underskirt but pants)
So I went to eat w my dad and he was like "I was going to wait until your birthday and surprise you, but I've been talking with your mother and she said you've been feeling really depressed lately..." and then he went on to say something like "...and I figured this would make up for Daisy..." and he showed me a pic of all those absolutely ADORABLE newborn Golden Retriever puppies!! So that thing about me getting my own dog wasn't just a pipe dream, I'm actually getting one!

If anyone is wondering who Daisy is, she's one of the best cats I've ever had the pleasure of caring for. I'm not kidding, even today I believe that she's the most awesome cat that I've ever had. She died back in October 2018 when she reacted to flea medication and kept having seizures. She had to be put down. She was only about a year and a half old. It hurt me so bad back then, and even today I'm still dealing with losing her (and generally being severely depressed). And because my dad was the one who gave the flea medicine, I'm sure he feels horrible about it. So to make up for that, he's going to let me pick out one of these new puppies (in about a month, when they're four weeks old) and my mom is looking into having the puppy trained to be a service dog for anxiety/panic attacks/autism.

So now I have something to look forward to, and even though I'm still feeling pretty crappy about being stuck in school for another three semesters I'm soooo excited to see my new baby in a month!!! :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:
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The Animal Crossing New Horizons Switch being announced, and I just preordered it! :blush: aaaaaa it's just made up for feeling like crap at work all day
The Animal Crossing New Horizons Switch being announced, and I just preordered it! :blush: aaaaaa it's just made up for feeling like crap at work all day

I’m so happy whenever I wake up to any kind of ACNH news! The ACNH Switch is so cute I want it so bad but I’ll probably just stick to my current one ;u;
I got a Switch Lite in turquoise today as a present from my dad. :D I must say, the console is beautiful (love the color) and since I prefer to play in handheld mode anyway, I don't mind the missing TV option. Now I'm ready for New Horizons (and Mystery Dungeon).
I’m happy because I’m having a fantastic day and I got to listen to some jazz music (it’s my favorite genre). Aside from the fact that it’s Friday, I’m still having a much better day than earlier this week. If someone told me it was a Monday, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. :)
My teacher on last class told us everyone who handed in the paper passed :D I don't think we've got the official grades up yet but honestly, I'm so happy we did and I'm glad to have it behind me so I can focus on the class I have now :)
Even though it's mostly dark outside, there's still a tiny bit of light right now off in the distance. This reminded me that with the end of January we only have around 1.5 months left of the worst of winter temperatures.

Even thou I had another bad day at work, there is still one good thing that happened today.

I got my pre-order for the New Horizons, and I love how it looks! Animal Crossing was the game that got me into games and will forever be my all time favourite series. Even though I have multiple Nintendo systems, I never got a special edition type. I just love how it looks, I'm going to enjoy it so much.
It's my 2 years on the forums today! Yay!

Ohh congrats! :D

And yeah I'm still amazed everyone who handed in paper passed it, like it was one of the hardest paper at this level I've ever written and I'm like... I did it aaah yes.

And also so glad Wii Fit made me exercise.. (and yeah IOU sm64 for helping me with it as well, like nintendo it's not obvious with wii that stuff should face away from you smh)
Finally found some new glasses that are not the same shape than what I usually take. Needed some new glasses so badly, since my right side is so scratched, that I can barely see through. :D