What Are You Happy About Today?

It seems that my cats new medicine is working!
Now it's wait and see how she is once the medicine is stop working.
If everything goes well, she should be finde for at least some month
without taking anything!
I'm having a relaxing long weekend so far. I'm really happy that I don't have to go back into work tomorrow.
Had this really beautiful sunset earlier. living in the suburb with a lot of tall buildings you don't always see or experience it so it was a nice surprise.. almost looked like someone painted the sky aaa
Mainly, I'm just happy that I didn't have to go to work today and I only have a 4-day work week this week.
Starting the new class today, 3rd part of the course. While it's probably gonna be intense as usual it seems like a better planning of the lectures/seminars and you don't have to be so focused on the history as a whole and such. Gonna be good I think :)
I'm glad that I decided to call up a close friend of mine. Ended up chatting for about 20 minutes. It was so fun, and it definitely made me feel happy. <3
After being cold all day, I took a hot shower and changed into some warm, snuggly pajamas.
My customized Tamagotchi ON is getting really nice comments on the reddit Tamagotchi ^-^
My brother cleaned a spatula so now I can cook fried eggs without my nasty wooden chopsticks I stole from some restaurants. ?\_(ツ)_/?

Also, I'm actually satisfied with my lineup and artwork last night. :]
My drawing tablet started to act up after 4 years of use. So my bf gave me his that he doesn’t use bless his heart
I'm pretty happy that about a notebook I bought. In a class I have, we're supposed to buy a notebook just for our thoughts and knowledge stuff. I wanted to buy a diary of a wimpy kid blank notebook but the store I was at didn't have it. I looked around and found a Bob Ross and vintage map notebook that I was considering but didn't know for sure. I then saw a "we can do it" notebook and I just had to get it since it was so iconic. Yea, I'm pretty proud of the notebook I have for sure.
I seem to be hitting my stride at just the right time.... and my friends make me happy. That’s all I really need. :)
I guess I'm happy that tomorrow is Friday. I'm ready for this week to be over. LOL
I was talking to my tattoo artist today about an old piece I no longer love but is too dark to cover without laser. She came up with several ideas on the spot about how to rework it so that it will flow better with the tattoo next to it. I'm now booked in with her in 2 weeks time for her to fix that and to also colour in a line art piece that I've always felt looked incomplete. I'm excited to see what she does with them because they're currently my least favourite tattoos.

It's been a cold, yucky, rainy week, but today the weather was beautiful. I took my dog on a walk and let him sniff to his heart's content.

I'm also happy because it's Saturday and I don't have to work today. I slept really deeply and woke up on my own really late today so I finally feel rested again. My husband went out for a bit to play Magic, so I have a few hours to relax and do whatever I want before he gets home.