What Are You Happy About Today?

nothing because wanna one is having their last concert meaning its the last time theyre going to be together. if anything, im just grateful for the time i had with them and in time ill be happy to look back at the memories ive made thanks to them but right now it feels like my world is falling apart...... dont make kpop groups your mental support system, kids!

Although I'm glad the Minhyun can be with Nu'est again.

- - - Post Merge - - -

My girlfriend is incredibly cute when she is sleeping.
My girlfriend is incredibly cute when she is sleeping.
Envy your gf, for being cute during the sleep. All my partners have told me that I'm very different when I'm sleeping - "You snore like a pig queen". Okay thank you.

Today I was tad busy and very tired when I got home. Plus it's cold. I wanted something hot & sweet. Then someone who visited me gave me chocolates that have raspberry sauce in it. I made hot black coffee, then threw the chocolate in it, along with some cacao powders. It turned out great<3 Now I'm comfy~
Had Chinese New Year dinner with my family.

Also, my ama met my partner finally & during the drive home (mother, me, her) she said he's handsome. (,:
Envy your gf, for being cute during the sleep. All my partners have told me that I'm very different when I'm sleeping - "You snore like a pig queen". Okay thank you.

Today I was tad busy and very tired when I got home. Plus it's cold. I wanted something hot & sweet. Then someone who visited me gave me chocolates that have raspberry sauce in it. I made hot black coffee, then threw the chocolate in it, along with some cacao powders. It turned out great<3 Now I'm comfy~

My girlfriend said I snored and I hate that I do but she says that it doesn't bother her.
my mum was on a course today so my dad took a day off work to spend time with me which doesn’t happen a lot as he has a really demanding job - it was really lovely though c:
Results came out for the Sept-Dec 2018 semester this morning! Highest grades I've ever achieved - even my lowest grade was still better than my highest grade the previous semester. :blush:
The week is finally over and I got everything done studying-wise I needed to for it. Since last night I’ve just been in a really good place with my friendships and today I’m in an especially cheery mood. I’m also starting to get the hang of my classes and get into a good groove for the semester. :)
This is the third snow day I?ve had all week. Also, my friends are spending next Friday night at my house and I?m excited because that never happens.
Today I had a relatively easy day at work. It's the first day all week that I haven't come home with a headache and the first Friday in a while where some work emergency hasn't come up to completely ruin my mood. Now, I get to look forward to the weekend. :)
The art piece I'm making is going quite smoothly now, even after I had a bit of trouble with making it look right. :lemon: