What Are You Happy About Today?

Someone treated me to wine. 🖤 Now just to have enough self-control to be able to get up at 6am clear-headed.
I passed the second interview today and will be meeting the next higher up tomorrow. From the sounds if it, I got a new job. I'm going to try and plan ahead while I can.
One of my professors brought homemade Valentine's cookies and another brought stickers!!! Music Ed profs are the best. This week was terrible but today was pretty good
Valentines Day today and I got to eat lots of chocolate :) and spend time with my girl, she is so sweet. Makes me happy!!
I'm happy that I got candy at work today and had a nice evening at home with my husband.
Had dinner & watched a movie with some gal pals---belated "Galentine's" Day sorta. (,:
It's a beautiful day for someone I can't stand to have the consequences of their actions catch up with them!
I just got a job at a vet clinic after suddenly losing my job over the weekend. It's a relief knowing I will be working again so soon and I have a nice full schedule too! The place seemed pleasant and I'm very nervous about starting, but also pretty excited~
I'm excited for a long weekend since I have Monday off! I'm planning to go see the new Battle Angel Alita movie tomorrow. I hope it's not too bad.
I had washed and dried my bed sheets and clothes yesterday, folded the stuff, and put them away. Also made my bed and ended up lying down around 7 p.m. because I was cold from being outside. Well I ended up falling asleep and waking up and getting out of bed at 4 a.m. a couple hours ago, but on the plus side I can get a lot done today now and it also feels like my week-long anxiety is gone. I feel like Aang after he finally gets to sleep on the wooly bed from ATLA season three. :D
I'm happy that I still have two more days off work and I get to go back to bed now.
My Mermaid Lagoon stuff finally came in the mail! :)
Took a few decent pictures since I posted about it elsewhere.
I got a couple freebies too since the shipping took a while, so that was nice.

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I was having a several day long depression episode and I'm feeling like it's almost lifting, like I'm almost back to being somewhat functional.
One of my old internet best friends managed to get back in touch with us (Me and my other internet best friend) on her 3DS yesterday, and now we can finally talk on Discord, And we’ve been introduced to a new friend! Just two more (one of which is my neighbour) and the gangs back together <3
My brother got engaged! :D

And yesterday I was so happy that my new happy home designer 3dsxl came :)
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