I traded someone a free Zekrom and they were so happy! They said that they haven't had a pokemom game since White, and Zekrom meant a lot to them. It made me so happy to make that person's day!
I’ve had a fantastic week. I got a lot done and got to spend quality time with my SO, family, and friends as well. I finally have a direction to go in as well for which kind of jobs I’m going to apply for. Looking forward to pursuing it and working towards getting hired!
Did my daily hygiene. Put on my retainers. Did laundry. Took out the trash and the recycling. Attended all of my classes today. Had my piano lesson. Overall, it was a nice day.
And now, I shall go the **** to sleep. Goodnight ya'll.
-pokemon legends arceus looks cool!
-i finally have a gigantamax pikachu!!! (i thought the event wasn't supposed to start till the 28th though?) a shiny got away from me tho ;^; here's hoping i can run into another! i named the baby i did catch Kandi!
-i have discovered fake type's song fake land and it is SO GOOD!! i love the chorus so dang much!!
As I had a very bad videogame day where I've lost my tournament and get mad pretty easily, I think what I appreciated about today were the exchanges I've made here with good traders as always! Got some diy and items I'm pretty happy to have now! All about Animal Crossing, but this game makes us happy haha
I got some decent sleep last night and woke up with very little back pain. I also got a lot of stuff done yesterday so, except for doing one load of laundry, today was mostly a day to rest and recuperate.
A character CD I ordered came in today, and a lot earlier than expected! I don't know enough Japanese to understand it very well at the moment, but I still enjoy listening to my favorite characters talk, ahaha.
Also, I started playing Fall Guys with my family about a month ago, and I finally got my first episode win today! I fought hard for that little crown~