Celebrating a wage increase and the fact that we just placed an offer on a house! Hoping everything's stays on the right track please let my anxiety chill tf out
I did a little retail therapy today that made me feel loads better- got some house stuff I've been putting off and treated myself to new AC PJs! Also I was able to make a certain vaccination appointment today that has me over the moon!!
Well, I'm happy that someone I know seems to have done well with his interviews with a prestigious university. Columbia University. Yeah, I know, he's hella smart. I've only met him once through my job, but he seems very sincere and a fun guy. He's supposed to be teaching poker to me sometime in the near future. Anyways, it's wonderful for him! I really really hope he gets in.
Got my first unconditional offer back from uni & I bought persona 5 as a treat to myself I played a little on my bf’s PlayStation and really enjoyed it, this is my first persona title! I’m also watching MHA and the sun is shining
My mum got a letter from the NHS to get her Covid vaccine, we both cheered when we opened the letter together. Sometimes you've just got to celebrate the small wins rather than wait for the big ones to coming knocking on your door.
I’ve got a lot done yesterday and today already and I’m looking forward to keeping it up over the week. Also super happy that several of my friends placed and got staff faves in the events. Also just super happy that it’s March, so spring will be here soon. Alright, let’s go!
This is more what I'm happy about that happened over the weekend rather than today per say!
I got to meet my friends baby finally! He's already two months old!! Anyways he's super well behaved and amazingly sweet. I was so happy that he didn't scream or cry at me, and that I didn't panic around him. Honestly babies make me super nervous, I'm afraid I'll break them somehow!
I also moved in my two colonies of rats into one! So now I have two instead of three total haha. It's always good to get them into combined groups. Things went good, minimal sassiness.
As far as today, I'm happy I got my purple feather collectible! I also got to buy a cyan house which is so pretty!
And finally, I'm happy I got to witness this hilarious moment with the ratties:
Willow with an oat on her head, she totally didn't even notice it
Got a lot of stuff done today I did some laundry (clean bedsheets tonight wooo!) and vacuumed. I decorated and wrote on some post cards for some of my friends to send them as a surprise. And I made one of my favourite dinners tonight.
Well, I've been in a slump for the majority of the day today - however, I am happy that I'm starting to feel a bit better. I mean, at least right now I'm actively trying to not feel bad. So, there's that going for me. c:
I really enjoyed a nice phone call tonight with I suppose I could call him my SO? We’ve only met in person 3 times so far in between our schedules and the fact that we live a 1 hours drive apart. We met via online dating so the whole getting to know someone and officially dating is kind of a blur.
Anyways, it was a really nice conversation after a long day at work and coming home to an empty house. We spent almost 2 hours chatting which is crazy as neither of us are big on when it comes to talking on the phone.
I took some pretty pictures for an online challenge and I'm very happy with them. I also took some instant-film pictures that turned out great ! I'm really excited to send them to my penpals.
And one family member came back home today, very glad to see them !
i almost have all of the basic reactions!! i just need to get 4 more from pietro and then i need to get the best friends one from a lazy villager (which i plan to get hopkins anyways)!!
I feel like a weight has finally been lifted off my shoulders and I’m feeling very motivated and excited right now. Can’t wait to keep getting more things done in March.