What Are You Happy About Today?

Sorry this is late, but happy birthday dude! Glad you had a great one! Peanut butter fudge (and just most things PB are great!)
Happy belated birthday! 😊 Glad that you had a lowkey day to yourself! That peanut butter fudge sounds heavenly.

Thank you both! It's an old family recipe, so I had to really indulge as much as I could haha.


My aunt and her family are visiting from Mexico, it's always nice seeing them. I even got a present from her. It's one of those jackets from the Pokemon x Levi collab. Honestly, it's kind of loud, some would say gaudy... and I want to show up to someone's wedding in it. 😈 It's really not too bad though, I primarily wear black so I can make it match in an outfit at least haha.
I had an absolutely lovely weekend, probably the best that I've had in a very long time. I was camping with mom, got to spend a lot of time catching up with her and had some very delicious meals because mom always spoils me. Also was able to help my mom out with some tasks which was nice as I feel I am not usually much help
posting this a bit late as i fell asleep but today was another pretty good day! this is the first week that i’ve had in a long, long time where every day was good for the most part and i’m so grateful. 🥰

today wasn’t all that exciting, but i’m happy that i got to read 3 new fanfics (they were all really good!) and that at dinner time, my mom was very sweet and brought my dinner to my room since she knew i was exhausted. :’)
I get my monthly injection today, so I'm hoping that helps with my mood and paranoia. ❤

Not gonna lie, I had chocolate peanut butter ice cream for breakfast today :D so that was a nice start to the day lol

I have a package coming today, it's some food I ordered.

and I have time to play my Xbox today!
Got an interview this week for a place I'd make almost double of what I do now... 😳
Very nice! If you like what you see after the interview, I'd suggest hitting them with a simple email follow up. At least, that's what I've always been told. Good luck!

posting this a bit late as i fell asleep but today was another pretty good day! this is the first week that i’ve had in a long, long time where every day was good for the most part and i’m so grateful. 🥰

today wasn’t all that exciting, but i’m happy that i got to read 3 new fanfics (they were all really good!) and that at dinner time, my mom was very sweet and brought my dinner to my room since she knew i was exhausted. :’)
Very cool! I always like watching a new episode from whatever show that I am invested in. Even if it's the only thing I had going that day, it's nice to have that simple little thing to look forward to. What shows are the fan-fictions from that you're reading about?

Thank you both! It's an old family recipe, so I had to really indulge as much as I could haha.
Nice! I have a family recipe just like that. Well sort of. It's probably 100-150 years old recipe for dumplings. I always try to prepare it once a year.

Not really much going on for me, but the fact that I don't have anywhere to be or any work hanging over me (like I always do) is a nice feeling. I usually have to do like 2-3 different jobs on top of my main work every day. So I like not having any pressing matters and that I can just do whatever I want to do with the rest of the day.
My mom got off the ecmo machine (artificial lung) today! This is very good, because that means she's closer to fully breathing on her own again

And dad is no longer taking antibiotics or steroids, meaning his pneumonia is gone! He has also started occupational therapy to get him back to moving properly after being paralyzed

so I'm very glad that my parents are recovering so well! I can't wait to have them home, this has been very stressful lol
My Masaomi Kida figure came in! It was unopened too! The figure is soooo small! I figured it was going to be the size of my palm but turns out it's the size of my thumb! It's so cute!! You can also position his head so I bet there's going to be adorable photo ops in the future!


Did a one-second animation of one of my OCs turning their heads in a different direction which took up 14 frames (I animated on twos). I was expecting it to take me forever, but it surprisingly only lasted for around two hours, including colouring every single frame. Volume control is still out of whack which is my huge weakness at the moment, but seeing one of my OCs come to 'life' is great since I always envisioned them to move around like living beings. I really hope my dreams of becoming an animator come true someday, and perhaps make a cartoon show that could positively impact others. Ambitious, I know.
Today was another okay day. Work wasn't too stressful and I slept pretty well again last night, although not nearly long enough, but that's typical for me on work days.

I found out my sister-in-law is bringing my niece and nephews into town for a visit. I didn't get much notice since they're driving up tomorrow and leaving Friday. I have other plans that I can't cancel on Wednesday so I'll only get to see them Thursday evening after work for a few hours, but it's better than nothing. I haven't seen them since around this time last year. I bet they've grown so much. ❤
gonna post this quickly since i’m very tired and would like to go to bed lol, but today was alright! ☺️

changed my island rep’s outfit in acnh, and i like it more than i thought i would! i saw a double rainbow as well. :’)
watched the trailer for the chucky tv series! i likely won’t be watching the show when it comes out despite child’s play being one of my favourite horror movie franchises, but i’ve been curious about it since finding out that it was in development, so it was nice to finally see a trailer for it!
had pizza for dinner.
spent some time with my kitty. <3

Very cool! I always like watching a new episode from whatever show that I am invested in. Even if it's the only thing I had going that day, it's nice to have that simple little thing to look forward to. What shows are the fan-fictions from that you're reading about?

they’re all from the same movie franchise; the hunger games. i’ve really gotten back into the franchise over the last few months, so pretty much most of the fanfics that i’ve been reading recently have been about it. 😅

I have a job interview scheduled for after tomorrow! I can't wait to take a step up...

ooh, that’s exciting! good luck! i hope it goes well. 🤞🏻🍀
This is my second week back at the office now that working from home has ended. I've moved since I was last in the office so my 10 min drive into work is now 45 mins.

What I'm happy about though is since I've gone back to work my boyfriend has packed my lunch for me every morning since and I never even asked him too. 🥰 I'm a zombie in the morning while he is actually functional so I really appreciate it.
since a lot of the acnh hype is dying down, people are giving away a lot of items. I'm currently working on the celest items, and i'm really happy about this. Because of all the hype, there was a super inflation for a while and it's really nice to finally have access to some rare stuff/ be able to get some rare stuff without jumping through hoops.

I also put out book 6 of my series, and am currently working on finishing the final. Book seven is already written, I'm just editing for continuity/grammar/final edit sort of thing. Over all, it's been a productive month and I'm hoping for more progress moving forward.

2020 was unkind and so was most of 2021. It feels good to be accomplishing things
not a lot of great stuff has happened since I've been home but a few days ago I called my therapists office and they said she was scheduling out to September so they put me on a call list.... today I got a call from them saying she has a slot open today at 4pm, so ofc I took it. hopefully i can talk with her about me potentially moving out of state for a while, I seriously think this is something i really want to do, even after thinking on it for almost a week.

also I've gotten some of my appetite back but it's still not great. ive had little or no appetite since I've been home, this house is so gross. I already basically have a mild eating disorder and im worried about it getting worse so let's hope it doesn't.