What Are You Happy About Today?

I didn’t have to work today. I’m happy to have a few days off in a row to relax, even though I’ll just spend it browsing the forums.
I’m very happy that I managed to find the lost episode of my favorite show and watch it, even if I had to change my VPN to Canada to access it.
My favorite show was on break but new episodes are starting in two weeks and I’m looking forward to that. It’s the only show I was ever invested in.
I picked up Keagan a lambchop for Christmas. He already has a bunch but they’re worn and torn. He always loves getting a new one.
I had KFC for lunch today. I had the famous bowl and there was quite a bit of chicken in it, more than there usually is.
  • I listened to a lot of music today. I personally find jazz music to fit the winter season perfectly since it keeps me cozy in warm indoors.
  • For most of the day, I finally got to finish my quilt design! It's not accepted yet at the time of this post and I don't really mind if I have to edit it eventually, but the fact I somehow managed to muster up the skills and produce the amazing art I've done despite a couple of firsts is impressive to my standards. It looks so pretty and I'm very, VERY happy about it! 💙
My entry for Cally's Cozy Colors is coming along well! I'm also nearly done preparing to do Harvey's Feast, and hoping to get that entry done soon too! ^^
Got Leopold's photo in ACNH!
Also got to play a little bit more Wintertide Miracles today!
Finished discussing the salary for my new job yesterday, so I’m going to start next month finally!! I’ve been wanting to leave my current office for a while now so I’m excited. This kind of throws off my plans of going back home for at least another year… but right now I’m fine with this situation.
I got the last of my items mailed out today which is such a relief. I know it won't get to my friend in time for Christmas but I feel better now that it is on it's way at least (and I already warned her about the lateness). I also got the okay from my boss that I can leave work a little early tomorrow :)
- Feeling extremely grateful in general. Tbh I’m depressed and anxious and feeling a sense of doom but I’m making a concerted effort to focus on how lucky I am to have shelter, food, I was able to buy gifts for my partner and my mom, etc. 💜
- One of my gifts from my partner since today is my bday was a $100 apple gift card to buy series of my favorite shows. Being able to watch my fav shows more easily instead of fishing for DVDs is wonderful. I like watching the same stuff over and over, it provides comfort. One of the shows I got is Keeping Up Appearances. It’s the funniest thing ever. It’s a British show from the 90s that my parents introduced me to
I didn't have work today, tomorrow, or for the next few days. So I can relax and do whatever I want! And celebrate the holiday with friends and family.

I also got finished a lot of the tbt Xmas events, which I've been meaning to get around to but haven't been able to due to my hectic work schedule.
I'm having a pleasant and quiet Christmas eve ☺

  • My sister and niece stopped by and we exchanged gifts. It was nice to see them! And they got to meet my cat for the first time. Also my sister got a bag of treats for Miss Mustachio for Christmas which was really nice of her
  • My best friend sent me a gift, a leather Gryffindor Harry Potter journal with an Elder wand pen
  • My neighbor across the hall left me a Christmas card under my door, I went over and thanked her and wished her a merry Christmas
  • I spent a lot of time reading today, finished a book
  • I'm feeling very grateful and happy :)


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Today I'm happy because:

- I won a White Feather collectible! I wasn't expecting to win anything so this was a really nice surprise!
- I spent a nice Christmas Eve with my family. No drama, no fuss, and my mom was so happy to see that I bought back some of the antiques she sold earlier this year. I was glad to be able to give her something special this Christmas since it was her first one without my dad.
- I also spent some good quality time with my husband and my dog before going to my mom's place.
- And finally, I got all of my presents wrapped. I still have to ship out a few so they won't get them in time for Christmas, but at least the wrapping is all done.
I'm so happy to see my AC rep featured in the site banner!! ;v; Thank you so much to everyone who voted for my entry!
I was finally able to complete my entries for Harvey's Feast and Cally's Cozy Colors! Both were a lot of fun to do, and I'm also glad that I was able to finish them up before Christmas, since I'll probably be busy with a few other things over the next several days.
Ordered some more colors of embroidery floss! 💜 It'll be a teensy little late Christmas present for myself.
I was able to get the Frost Egg!!! 🥺 It's been one of my dream collectibles for ages.