What Are You Happy About Today?

I’m happy because I’m enjoying my time off and don’t have to worry about staying up since I’m on break. So I’m staying up to play games and also get some studying done.

Also happy that this is my 13,001st post.

And the 1,000th reply to this thread! :D
I've had a really busy week, but today I get to relax! I got myself a cup of tea and I've just been listening to music, having a nice restful day.
Thankful for all the good people I have in my life.
My sister put the beanbag in the kitchen to get rid of, and the dog was laying on it for a bit in a little ball while I was eating dinner. So cute, wish I got a pic c*:

Also my asst manager asked me to work an extra hour, so one more hour means more pay *fist pump* I need all the pay I can get.
today a lot of things happened!
- my family and our family friends went driving up a mountain and eating breakfast there and talking about stuff (esp about having boyfriends/girlfriends lmao)! we took a little hike up higher to see the pine trees, one of which was without leaves bc it was struck by lightning :0
- our family then had lunch at our farm! we also watched infinity wars and aquaman and prepared iced desserts. :> got to play with my cousin's dog, what a cutie!!
- I finished painting my egg! I had so much fun crafting it and I'm happy with how it turned out. ^^ It was a great pastime and I really missed doing arts and crafts lol.
- feeling kinda productive reading up on the healthcare in our country for a future interview?? wowee
- got to talk online w my boyfriend, who was also sharing pictures of his vacation stay in his hometown! ; v;
Some of these are from yesterday, but whatever.

-The Dallas Stars beat the Nashville Predators in the National Hockey League Stanley Cup playoffs again and the series is headed back to Dallas with a 3-2 series lead.
-I completed a new collectible lineup that I really like.
-I slept 12 hours yesterday, so I’m pulling an all nighter to play video games, study, and possibly hunt for more eggs (we’ll see how far I get on this though, lmao).
-I get to spend time with my favorite cat, Lulu. She’s at the end of my bed curled in a ball against my laundry (that needs to be folded and put away, lol)
-And last, but not least, today is Easter Sunday! :)

Safe to say I’m having a good weekend.
- I got up early and went to two boot sales
- I won two auctions on eBay for a cute ornament and wall plaques
- I played Let’s Go Eevee
i got enough eggs to get the dreamy easter egg c: (well i will once my egg decorating contest submission is approved-)
i have a day off of work tomorrow!!
i have moneeey
I spent this Easter weekend with my girlfriend and her family. It was nice to be out of town and to just relax.

I hope everyone else had a Happy Easter!
I obtained a lamp so I didn't have to use the flashlight on my phone to draw. I'm weird I need alot of bright light directed straight at the paper to see where the pencil smudged and also to shade.

Also goin shopping at my fav store tomorrow yess.

Also HOLD up chocopug HOW did you put the cheese on the toast, that's like 2 of my fav things.
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For the first time in a long time, I feel free. That I don’t have to have a partner or a ton of friends or be fully successful yet to feel like I’m a good person. I already know I’m a good-natured person because of the things people both inside and outside of my family say about me and the contrast between my older sibling and myself. To just take to heart and remember all the nice things people have said about me... I’ll never forget any of that. The feeling is so liberating too. I feel like I can accomplish anything I want to do in life because I set an example for others on how one ought to behave. I really feel like I can accomplish my dreams in life right now, and I’m not going to lose that feeling ever again. I’m really feelin’ it! And now I can sleep peacefully without having to worry about the rest of the studying I have to do, because I know I’ll get it done tomorrow. I don’t feel pressured at all right now, I feel like I can just perform with ice in my veins. Best feeling. :)
I'm happy that I got my Nightmare Egg today.

My sister-in-law also sent me a bunch of pictures of my niece and nephews enjoying their Easter. And she may be bringing my niece up for a visit next weekend. It'll be my first chance to see her in person and she's 6 months old.
I got to play the really nice grand piano in the auditorium at the music dept building earlier, in preparation for my recital tomorrow and my upcoming jury. I absolutely love playing that piano so it's always a great time when I can have access to it ^o^

Also I managed to find enough eggs so that when I get the three eggs from the decoration contest I'll have enough to get a pastel disco ball egg! So including the three from the contest, in total I will have collected 20 eggs. I'd say it was a pretty great run!

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Also yesterday I played Super Mario Odyssey for like 10 hours straight and I don't regret a minute of it :p