What Are You Happy About Today?

I finally know what I want to do with my life! Like in studying, haha
I had Wendy?s ^^ lol no but I?m really happy with myself that I finally put my resum? out on indeed. Baby steps!
I'm eating a nice dinner alone in my room, watching a TV show for my english class that isn't boring asf (it's actually quite funny and interesting). Plus, I got all three eggs I wanted from this event. It's goin really well right now. <3
I am reconnecting with an old friend. We had a falling out last year due to a bunch of misunderstandings, which is a shame since she was like a sister to me. It's been nice to sit back, air things out, and revive the friendship.
Had a pretty good day at school today. I had fun in my Math class, goofing off with my friends and all - which is how it usually goes. c:
Well, you know, it's not everyday that your best friend whom you happen to have had a crush on for the last 7 years suggests you move to an entirely different country with them. I've been making squealing sounds every time I think about it, and my cheeks hurt from grinning too much.
I am flippin' thrilled, so much more than just happy :)
I'm happy that after missing last year's Easter Egg Hunt due to the flu that I was able to take part in this year's and to finally earn an egg all by myself instead of having to buy one after the event ended. I'm happy to have my Nightmare Egg and that my brain seems to be on the mend after the Egg Hunt. lol!
I managed to do several difficult things that I had been putting off out of nervousness today. I am tired but very proud of myself. :')
After a rough couple of days at work, I feel like I finally made some headway today. Plus, I had a few hours this afternoon where I was able to listen to music and focus on getting some work done with no interruptions.
i finally got my hands on the purple bat potion i wanted so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The long research paper I had to do for school is finally done! Now there's only 3 essays left to do and i'll be free from it.
The San Antonio Spurs defeated the Denver Nuggets tonight to force a game 7 on Saturday. WHEW! Our season isnt over just yet! :D
Finals week is over for me which means I can finally sleep in and not be sleep deprived or worry about school-related stuff for awhile... plus got an interview for a state government job next week so I can get out of my crummy office job I have now. All-in-all, not bad for a Thursday.
Tomorrow is Friday and I'm still feeling pretty good about my work after getting a bit more accomplished today. I'm looking forward to the weekend too. My sister-in-law is bringing my 6 month old niece up for a wedding. It will be my first opportunity to see her. :blush: