What Are You Happy About Today?

I managed to find enough eggs for my two favorite egg collectibles, and when the decorating contest eggs come out I'll have enough for a Ditto one as well!
I just got an email back from the housing accommodation committee and they have approved my need for a medical single. I'm so relieved! Apparently they rejected me the first time because they had inadequate information from my doctor, and I hadn't actually gone in to see him since like September. But I had an evaluation done by a psychologist and she was probably a big part in their decision to approve me. So yay, I get to be in my own room next semester! :D

Also the psychiatrist said that she was going to recommend some other things for me to do to cope with anxiety, ADD, etc. so I hope that she does. My life is made so much more difficult because of these silly issues and I'd like to know how to properly live w it lol.
I had fun at the Easter Egg Hunt, like I do with every single other.

I could have found 2015?s Egg #10. I was SO CLOSE! I was in the right thread. Also if you see this without highlighting it, it must be Zipperacko.
I had fun at the Easter Egg Hunt, like I do with every single other.

I could have found 2015’s Egg #10. I was SO CLOSE! I was in the right thread. Also if you see this without highlighting it, it must be Zipperacko.

On undercover I could barely make it out.

Today I went shopping at like 4 different places and bought stuff. Well one of those places was the grocery store and I bought Deordorent there but besides that I got a bunch of fake plants on sale, three new Neko Dang plushies, including the one I saw on Amazon with two different colored eyes and two hanging planters I really like. I mean the one was a TEACUP no way I could pass that up. Plus both planters were on sale.

Also I did watercoloured pencils for the first time and it's kinda fun & relaxing, there's not the stress of being anatomically accurate or anything like that.
well i feel happy that today at school i got everything i had to do finished so now i can chill for awhile lol and also today i finish a manga series that i was reading for awhile(naruto if your wondering) and i now going to the shippuden series hopefully it doesn't take a million years to do lol
I’m happy that the Dallas Stars beat the Nashville Predators 2-1 in overtime to win the series 4-2 and advance to the second round of the Stanley Cup National Hockey League playoffs. That’s about the only good thing that happened today. Otherwise I’m actually feeling pretty crummy right now. :(
I got to wear this new blouse i bought last week and it was comfy and i felt cute!! The blouse was dark blue with white stars and i want to wear it forever huhu :') oh oh and i went on a study date with my boyfriend at a coffee shop near my place so i didn't have to commute to meet him for once :)))))
The San Antonio Spurs play game 5 against the Nuggets tonight. I'm always happy when my team is playing. 8)
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Everything c: I took the day off, the weather is beautiful, went on a walk with my dad and my dog, I?m watching Parks and Rec during lunch, and I?m gonna make something tasty for dinner. I wish every day could be like this!
My boyfriend and I had a fun time joking around and stuff. It made me very happy.
My bf gave recently found his animal crossing game and gave it to me since he hasn’t touched it in years XD
So I’m gonna play it for the first time c:
I’m just really happy to be a member on this forum and to be surrounded by such lovely people. Everyone on TBT is really awesome. :)
I’m just really happy to be a member on this forum and to be surrounded by such lovely people. Everyone on TBT is really awesome. :)

Honestly same, I'm so glad that I became active on here again. I've met some really awesome friends here and I have no idea where I would be without them!! ♡
I did better than I thought I would on the last two exams for two of my classes. I got an A in one of them when I thought I would only get a C. It’s still raining outside, but it’s raining happiness. :)
i finally got to sleep in! and i finally got 4+ hours sleep! and i went on a nice long walk today and i had a vegan sausage roll : )