What Are You Happy About Today?

I just ordered an engagement ring for the love of my life that I have been in an absolutely amazing relationship with with for over 3.5 years now! :D :D <3 I am truly excited (can't sleep because of it lol) and I look forward to asking her parents in the very near future for her hand! :) Wish me luck everyone! :D

That's great! I'm so happy for you. I wish you the best of luck!

I'm happy that I'm getting ready to go back to bed right now. Vacations are the best.
I found some great songs today that I can listen to now. Got bored of my old playlist after listening to it for over 2 months straight :D
Last night was the first time I've slept well in quite a while. I was able to wake up around 7am without an alarm, and without feeling overly tired. Hopefully I'll have the energy to get some stuff done today! I'm a bit behind because the last week has been crappy but I'm feeling a lot better today :)
I didn't know they had the newest season of it's always sunny on hulu :,,,^D
(also had a dentist appt today and no cavities, woot)
today is the day something arrives i've been waiting on for months (read: pain and suffering)
I've been enjoying laying around, playing Animal Crossing during my vacation. I feel like I've accomplished so much in my towns.
My boyfriends holidays will start today, so that's great!
My buzz cut has grown really fast which I like :D Keep growing like weed, keep growing.

Also happy my rooms at work looks a lil better, got help shelving from a colleague when everyone else knowing the rooms was busy :D
I got all the items I needed for acnl :)

Now I’m working on my mayor’s house. Oh and I changed my username on here~
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Today was a spectacular day. I got to play some Smash Ultimate with a good friend of mine, took my exam for my summer class early, and then got to go to a sports game with my friend that we ended up winning. Then we got to watch fireworks afterwards as well. I didn’t get to watch fireworks on July 4th because I was by myself watching the house.

I really needed this after the rough past couple months I’ve had. :(
My Dad gave a present to my cats!

I wanted to get new foodbowls + a waterbowl for them, as I currently have three different sized ones
and it really annoys me. So he bought my cats some and they are adorable q_q

Sadly one didn't make the shipping from Germany to France, so it broke..
I will try to fix it, but if I can't I will have to find it somehow in France, I guess!

My big boy Ekko is keep checking the new bowls if there is food inside. xD
me and my mom finished moving into the house we’re renting closer to school since dorming at school didnt work out well last year. its going to be a pain unpacking only for my last year of high school only to pack again for college but ive gotten used to it and its helped me sell a lot of stuff i dont need anymore! also did some drawings of villagers!
I played a lot of Animal Crossing today and this past week. Plus, I ordered 3 new RV cards for furniture for my new town.
It was my grandma's birthday today so we went out for a family lunch. c:
Well, I think I did fairly well at my job today. May have not been perfect, but at least I received a three dollar tip haha c:

It was my grandma's birthday today so we went out for a family lunch. c:

Aw, Happy Birthday to your grandma! <3
Well, let’s see. I woke up early this morning and finished my internship finally. I got to go to martial arts practice again today. My favorite sports team also won again as well. And I’ve also been able to talk to my favorite person in the world again more recently. I would say I’ve had a pretty good day ^o^