- Had a good time meeting up with my friends for ice cream today and we all had a nice long chat!
- Got the final grade I was waiting on for this year at university today! Looks like I've definitely passed my second year, the lowest grade I got was a 65. Onto third year
- Finished work for the week yesterday! and I'm working at home all week next week too, which saves me some time + money
I know I haven't been very active here. So my 'today' is more over the course of a few days. Things haven't been all that great, so I've been just grinding through the days.
I have off of work for a little over a full week. I am going away for half of it and then coming back just to do whatever I want. I don't care, no one is going to call me and ask me to work for anything. I'm not doing it.
I've been getting back into writing and drawing/art slowly.
I have been keeping up with exercising. It's been kind of tough with the days I have been having, but I just did it anyway and kept at i.
I plan on picking up Tears of the Kingdom halfway through my vacation and play it and or maybe some other games I have that I haven't finished.
- I got to sleep at a decent time again last night and slept deeply.
- The rain stopped for a few hours and the sun even came out briefly this afternoon.
- I took my dog on his afternoon walk and got to see some of the neighborhood dogs and cats.
- I had a pretty rough day but my husband was so sweet and good to me.
- The local ice cream place had Mint Oreo as its special flavor today so we went by there after dinner. I love mint ice cream.
- It's Friday. My weekend is going to be busier than I would like, but at least I get to sleep in.
@skarmoury Congrats on passing! That is so amazing! What a huge amount of dedication just to make it this far! You're going to be an amazing doctor!
i wasn’t planning on posting tonight since not much happened today, but i just got my mark back for my last culminating assignment, and i got 95/100 marks??? i’m actually in disbelief, i thought i did so bad on it omg i’m so happy; i can’t believe graduation is only 6 days away now!
I have off of work for a little over a full week. I am going away for half of it and then coming back just to do whatever I want. I don't care, no one is going to call me and ask me to work for anything. I'm not doing it.
i’m sorry things still haven’t been great for you, friend, but i hope you enjoy your time off. get some much-needed rest and play all the video games you want; you deserve it
I finally managed to attend an interview after not having any employers follow up with me despite applying to numerous places and personally walking in to those auto shops for over a month now. While it went fine and that I'm not expecting too much despite doing my part, it feels nice to know that there are some employers who are interested and not ghost me entirely. I needed that to be honest because man, job searching is draining and it's a requirement to find a place to work as a part of my college program. I can't have my learning be jeopardized just because of something that's out of my control...
I played some more Tears of the Kingdom! I didn't really focus on the main quest but did some more adventuring. I really like this game especially since I played many other Zelda titles in the series throughout my life.
I created some stuff over on Inkscape! You can bet your bells that it's another one of those things I'll use as decals in Gran Turismo 7 lol.
Speaking of which, I played a bit of Gran Turismo 7 as well! I also saw a pic of a few car silhouettes that'll come in an update next week and it's got me pretty excited after people were able to identify them.
Oh, and it may not mean much to you guys, but today (June 23, 2023) actually marks one year since I created my animal villager OC, Pag-asa. It's glaringly obvious that he's my comfort character and my aesthetic.
☾ I played Stardew Valley some more today! ^^ I did one of Mr. Qi's challenges and can now switch back and forth between the normal and dangerous Mines, so that's pretty cool! ☾ Got to see Grian's latest Hermitcraft episode and a few other videos with my family! ☾ Dragon Quest Monsters Switch game??? Coming this year?? Starring a younger Psaro from IV?? I've never played a DQ Monsters game but I am seriously so hyped it's probably also high time I go and finish that playthrough of IV on mobile I started ages ago huh
We went out and I bought a book from a charity shop I bought the Indiana Jones complete boxset - apart from the new film 2023 I bought two new t shirts Had mango bubble tea at Costa - it’s really good if no one has tried it yet
I ordered a sticker of my Acnh character on Etsy
➣ I slept in and had time to vacuum my room before work this morning. ➣ I spent about two hours last night trying to change my deadname on this app but it wouldn’t let me, so I just had to create a new account. Although it was a struggle, it made me realize if I went through that much trouble maybe I was trans this whole time. I had trouble typing my name on apps years ago because it felt so unnatural. ➣ I saw my favorite person yesterday! love that no matter how clingy or obsessed I am with she still loves me. ➣ My mom’s cat, Trixie, is obsessed with Amazon boxes will just sit in them when she has multiple toys to play with. I snapped this pictures last week but forgot to post them.
i’m so wiped out after everything i did today, but i managed to get my sleepy brain to work long enough for me to post this i hope you all are having a peaceful weekend so far!
*⁀➷ i (mostly) finished deep cleaning my room! i vacuumed and mopped my floors, did a bit more dusting and wiping down etc, and my room looks so much cleaner than it has in a long time! i can actually see my floor i just have a bit more dusting to do and i have to change my bedding, but then i can get started on tackling the bathroom and my laundry! call me cinderella people who clean for comfort are stronger people than i, i nearly died like 10 times today LMAO
*⁀➷ i received an unexpected monetary graduation present from my dad! i’ve been wanting to buy a new set of makeup for a while now since all my old products expired, so maybe this is a sign to treat myself a little?
*⁀➷ the clouds looked extra fluffy and kinda cool early this evening! we’re apparently supposed to get rain tonight, so it’s always cool to see what shape the clouds take on beforehand! i love the sky
*⁀➷ my parents picked me up a couple of things i needed while they were out!
*⁀➷ i’m probably tooting my own horn too much, but i’m really proud and happy that i not only got everything done today that i wanted to, but that i’ve been able to get so much done this week. i thought deep cleaning my room was gonna take at least a week, but now i’m nearly done after only 5 days! i know it’s not that big of a deal since it’s everyday stuff, but everyday stuff has always been hard for me, especially with my mental health and how busy i’ve been with school, so i’m proud of myself
think i’m gonna watch a show and head to bed early, as a little treat take care friends c:
- I got to sleep in this morning and I needed the extra couple of hours.
- I saw some cute dogs and cats on our walk around the neighborhood, including a new puppy.
- My husband and I took my mom out to lunch and to run some errands. Even though we didn't do anything fun, it was still nice spending time with her.
- I got to see my mom's cat, Sassy, and she was very affectionate with me. I also got to see a couple of the stray cats that my mom feeds.
- It was sunny and warm the entire time we were out. As soon as we got home, a storm hit. I'm glad the timing worked out so well.
- My uncle's surgery went well. He fell and broke his femur. He has to go into rehab on Monday, but it seems like he's going to be okay.
- My husband offered to take my mom to her doctor's appointment on Monday so I don't have to take time off work and my aunt can be with my uncle. That was very sweet of him!
- I got home in time to start washing laundry. I should still be able to get some things done tomorrow.
Oh, and it may not mean much to you guys, but today (June 23, 2023) actually marks one year since I created my animal villager OC, Pag-asa. It's glaringly obvious that he's my comfort character and my aesthetic.
*⁀➷ i’m probably tooting my own horn too much, but i’m really proud and happy that i not only got everything done today that i wanted to, but that i’ve been able to get so much done this week. i thought deep cleaning my room was gonna take at least a week, but now i’m nearly done after only 5 days! i know it’s not that big of a deal since it’s everyday stuff, but everyday stuff has always been hard for me, especially with my mental health and how busy i’ve been with school, so i’m proud of myself
☾ I watched an episode of Fairy Tail with my family this morning! We also got to see GeminiTay's latest New Life episode later on and a few other shorter videos. ☾ I finally took the time to look through The Complete Art of Fullmetal Alchemist!! I got it as a gift a good while back, but I wanted to wait until I either re-read or rewatched the series so that I'd be able to appreciate it more—since we finished rewatching FMAB a few weeks ago, it seemed like a really good time. I love Hiromu Arakawa's art, so it was a lot of fun to go through! ☾ I worked on my Stardew farm some more today too! I rearranged some things to try to make more efficient use of the space I have, so I can have more junimos I MEAN crops growing. Just... purely practical farm stuff. Also discovered the crane game and I miiiight be a tad obsessed ☾ I spent a little bit of time today coloring too! ^^ It's been a while ahahah. I've almost finished the page I was working on!
- I made brownies this afternoon and I'm super pleased with how they came out! I added less sugar than the recipe said (I usually do this when baking American recipes haha), and they're pretty rich and tasty I ate two and then froze the rest for later! (and also left one for my sister)
i had an AWESOME weekend. hung out with tha gworlies on friday, went to a ton of different places with them. shopping, eating, we found baja blast in stores (LETS GOOOOO) and just had an awesome tim.e
yesterday, my sister and i hung out in the german village in my state that has the worlds largest christmas store. we didnt go but they had cute decor! got some DELICIOUS dinner and ended the day by watching my other sister perform in a play of romeo and juliet. she did FANTASTIC and was totally the star of the show! i havent seen her properly in years so many tears were had when she saw my family. was so fun.
and today i just get the whole day to chill. storm chasing from my house today since there's a severe system fixing itself over my state so thats gonna be really fun (scary) to watch! woohoo!
honestly I've been struggling a bit lately, mostly with my anxiety disorder. it's been so incredibly frustrating to try and enjoy my life while having to deal with that. if you've never dealt with an anxiety disorder, just imagine yourself having high adrenaline literally all the time for no reason at all, feeling the trembles and heart-racing and not being able to do much of anything about it. and I tried to get in to see my psychiatrist sooner, but I have to wait about another month. that was the soonest he had, so until then I just have to keep gettin by
but I'm proud of myself for getting through it and coping and not giving up. after years of struggle I was finally able to get my depression under control, and even if it takes longer to do the same with my anxiety issues I'll keep trying, never giving up. I want to be the best me I can possibly be, I'm more than my anxiety disorder and I'm doing my absolute best to not let it hold me back. I know I'll have some bad days and that's okay, as long as I keep doing my best everything will be okay
and I'm so so so appreciative of those people who have been helping me cope, they have an incredible amount of patience. I can't even handle myself many times, so the fact that they're willing to stick by me and give their unrelenting support is definitely something I never want to take for granted
anyways yeah, today's been pretty rough but I'm proud of myself for making it this far in terms of my recovery. I've been working so hard and I still have a ways to go, but all that work has been paying off and that's really just amazing ️
also need to say, after reading through these messages, it makes me feel so happy to see what good things have been happening in everyone's lives. especially @xara and @skarmoury and @CylieDanny (hopefully I didn't miss anyone), you guys have also been working very hard and your work has paid off and I'm incredibly happy for you