What Are You Happy About Today?

It's finally cooled down and the humidity is low now. It's a nice day out! :blush:
The weather is not too bad today, a bit overcast, but at least it's not raining and the temperature was perfect when I walked my dog earlier.
I got to see my grandpa today for the first time in... well, a few years! I missed him a lot, he's funny to be around. He's in a bit of a sticky situation right now, since he's lost a lot of weight and he's having memory problems, but hopefully by next year he'll be better and I can drive down to visit him :blush:
I am happy for not having to work! .....and then getting to play ACNL all day hehe :3
I found out that the book I currently need for my History of Modern China class was actually available at the library, so I ran over there and picked it up so I can start reading it tonight. I also found out that the other books I need are available as well, so that takes a big financial stress off my back. Thank goodness for libraries!! <3
I pulled my favorite Reiji Kotobuki card in the rhythm game he's from : D

It's the 'My Only Prince' card, and he looks so beautiful in it ;w;​
ramped up my intermittent fasting and went 21 hours without food today
Finally got all my things set up the way I want it and now if I can just stop messing with everything, I be even more happy. Also, after long consideration, I decided to keep my bangs and not grow them out. I really look good in them more and finally deciding to keep them actually makes me more happy. Plus, only about a year or so left to grow the rest of my hair out long and it will be back to where it was years ago before I cut it short. I just love long hair and my bangs too much and can't wait to get them all back. ^-^
I get to see my doggie tomorrow. ;u;