What Are You Happy About Today?

My mom made her awesome chocolate chip/oatmeal raisin cookies! She hasn't made them in ages :3
2 things good came out of today.

One, instead of working opening tomorrow after working from 6am-6pm Friday then having to come back today at 9-6, my manager changed it to where tomorrow I work another mid instead of opening.

I literally hate this shift. Hate. So much. I can not tell you how much I hate it. I have such weird sleeping habits, not only that but I have minor sleeping issues. I'm not a straight up insomniac, I can go to sleep but I have trouble actually falling and staying asleep. It takes me on average about an hour to finally go to sleep but will take me longer if I'm stressed, such as OPENING the next day. As if that wasn't a problem enough, I have issues staying asleep thou out the night. I will wake up randomly in the night for no good reason, and more often if I have dreams, esp ones that scare me or I am stressed, ex, knowing I have to do opening. I'm restless, I toss and turn alot, sometimes it feels like all night. On top of ALL OF THAT, I can't sleep when its daylight out. I have a window next to me bed, and when it finally gets dark here is late 8, 9pm. I am incapable of going to sleep while it is still hardly daylight out there. So I have to be asleep by 9pm to wake up at 4am to go to work at 6am.

TL;DR I have trouble going to sleep, staying asleep, can not sleep unless it is very dark out. Stress makes things worse. Knowing I work an opening makes things even worse.

The second thing was just recently. My sister came in to look at the nail polish I recently got since she wanted those colours, and she saw my art submission for the Old School Week on my desk. She said she likes it and would frame it like, omg, that feels so good to hear. I was in a rush to complete it, and I also won't be able to do anythin better in time for the end of the contest. I really like my idea, just not how I executed it haha. I dont anticipate placing or being nominated in the art contest, but the fact that she said she would frame it makes me do happy.
I got to go to a very special event and a sports game that we won. I really needed this after the crappy week I’ve had. :blush:
One of my coworkers told me I was the nicest person she ever met. I needed that.
I've been able to read quite a bit of this book I need to read for my Modern China class. It's kept my interest thus far, so hopefully it gets better as I continue to read.

Also today I'm getting one more shot at a shiny Rayquaza in Pokemon GO. It's raining outside, but I honestly don't mind as long as it's not a downpour.
Finally, FIANLLY get a day off. I so need this but one day won'qt be enough I can tell.
I won a Red Turnip! It's part of my lineup again! 😢😊 No amount of words can describe how happy I am. 😇

I am on cloud nine today.
(n ̄▽ ̄n*)
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Happy that these cough drops despite supposed to be helping for coughing, have made my throat much much less sore then it has been for the past like 4 days.