What Are You Happy About Today?

Ordered a dress I've been wanting since I had a bit more money than I thought, yay pay day two days ago :D

Also been nice as **** weather so been real neat being outside.
I completed this really long training programme at my work and now I'm completely signed off to do my full job!
A very nice lady at Burger King let me cut in front of her in line because she had a large, complicated order. I didn't ask. She just offered. A small gesture, but it made me feel good.
I got super lucky and got this cute boi in League of Legends *-*
Their system of getting them is so bad, as you have to be super lucky to get the one you want..
I got him first try <3
I'm happy that it's Friday and that another week has almost passed, which gets us all closer to the release date to Animal Crossing: New Horizons. ^^ And Pokemon Sword and Shield for me. :p
I'm happy that my cat is sitting on the couch near me with her eyes scrunched shut. I love her, even though she's ignoring me. The fact that she chooses to sit on the couch I sit on, even if she's like 3 feet away from me makes me feel so special.
I did pretty good on my drive today. I just need to work on alternating between the brake and gas pedal, as well as on signalling more easily. I went on the freeway for the first time, which was easier than I thought it would be.
I'm happy that it's Friday and I have a long weekend to look forward to. No plans, just relaxing and having fun.
I thought I was going to feel dead inside after working a 12 hour shift today, my first 12 hour shift. Also dealing with annoying customers who KEEP asking for bread we C L E A R L Y do not have (in prep of the storm y'alls, its really hectic rn).

But I was just tired, I made it throu 12 DAMN hours. When I got home today my dog was sooo happy to see me, the last time she saw me was yesterday night. She jumped to lick my hand, the only part of bare skin she could reach to give me a kiss since I was standing up (she really likes to lick). She also tried to jump in my lap to say hello to me and honestly it's so frickin sweet, she was more excited then normal to see me after work today. Made work a little more bearable.

I still have to work tomorrow which was my day off, and Sunday opening (hate it) but atleast it's not another 12 hours.
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Seems like the medicine is working good so far on my cat, she's getting better! ^-^
Nice weather, managed to go thru a text for class,ordered a skirt I got extra discount on from the store owner (bruh can i meet u irl and give u a hug man) so ya feelin good :D
Yesterday I was happy I got a present for looking after a friends dog whilst they were away on holiday for 2 weeks :)

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And today I’m happy that I’m gonna see my Nan and grandad :)
Went thru the rest of the texts in advance, gonna go thru them at some other point before as well to take note but just so i have an idea.

Also I can wear like headbands and stuff without lookin like an idiot ahah
I woke up at 8am without having to worry about going to any classes! Also I've been wanting to go to the antique store all week and I finally have some free time today so I can do that :D

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Also yesterday I got all my work done at the library, so when I go in today I'm just gonna straighten book shelves and make sure no books are out of order. Super happy that I'm not limited to 6 hours a week anymore :blush:
Vented to my partner about a bunch of stuff then ended with "I don't know, what I'm bothered by is so stupid."

And he goes "it's not stupid if it bothers you. It matters."

/happy cries.

I really needed to hear that.