What are your AC goals for 2021?

That is so sweet of you, tysm! My missing dreamies are Gabi, Katt, Marshal, Grizzly, Gloria and TBD for the jock villager. You definitely don’t have to do this, but if you do happen to come across them and want to get rid of them I’d happily take them off of your hands :) I’m all set on obtaining Gabi from someone but have been passively looking for the others. My main struggle though is that I can’t seem to get the villagers I want to kick out with thought bubbles.. lol not sure what I’m doing wrong.

I'd love to help if I can. I got Amiibos for Katt and Marshall. So I should be able to help you get at least 2 of your dreamies this year.
I'd love to help if I can. I got Amiibos for Katt and Marshall. So I should be able to help you get at least 2 of your dreamies this year.
Thanks so much!! I will take your offer up for that when I have the plots open! And please let me know if there’s anything you’d like in return. <3
I think for 2021 I want to try and catch more fish! I always fall behind with the fish in Animal Crossing and end up paying attention to the bugs because they’re more colourful and on screen.

I’d also like to try and finish catching the fish we get via diving - if memory serves that’s the smallest section out of the bugs & fish? So it might be more doable. Plus I’d like to start collecting art! My museum has kind of been forgotten about since I got the fossils lol and I dont think I’ve set foot on Redd’s boat once, and I’d like to change that.

In terms of decorations I want to finish my diner area I have! It’s nothing special but with the new food items being added I think it’ll help make it feel more lively and I just need to find some kitchen gadgets.

For my villagers I want to work on getting more of their pictures! I only have two villager photos and neither of them come from my starters who I’ve had for nearly a year so I gotta work on our friendship lol. And I really need to help Phoebe sort out her house cause oof, it’s not pretty 😅
Complete the museum and critterpedia is definitely my #1. I never actually succeeded in this before. I finished the fossils a long time ago and have finished bugs and fish. I only need 2 more sea critters, which I think I have to wait until March for both. The art is more annoying. Frankly, I'm sick of Redd giving me the same stuff over and over, especially when he only shows up once every 2 weeks, so I think I'll just trade for what I need.

I want to go ahead and trade for a lot of things in general (items and DIYs included). Some things just simply aren't (or won't, in the case of alternate colors) showing up for me and I'm tired of that.
My goals for AC this year are
-Finish decorating my house: I really only have one room specifically that needs to be worked on so that shouldn't be difficult except for the fact that I can't seem to come up with an idea for it.
-Decorate the yards of all of my villagers
-Clean up and decorate my beaches

Once those things are finished I want to set up my dream address so that I can share it with people ☺ A lot of other people have mentioned finishing up their museum/critterpedia which I would like to do as well although I am so awful at diving that I don't think this is a possibility for me. Maybe I could do all of the bugs / fishing creatures, but the diving creatures is just not gonna happen.

Not New Horizons related but I also want to finish my New Leaf town as well. I am honestly pretty close to being finished with it and I would like to get that done so I can share that dream address as well!
- keep on terraforming and decorating my island exterior.
- finish the bug and art exhibit
- trade/sell/giveaway my seasonal diys so I can work on my basement, lol
- play with friends more with future events and in general
- hoard all the sunfish
I'd also like to complete my critterpedia, and hopefully flesh out my island a bit more as theres a lot of big empty spaces right now!
i hope to finish my island more (i've been very lazy with it), get the rest of my dreamies, and give back to the community here!! i've already started working on my island!!!
I want to complete my critterpedia, but don’t care about the museum.

I really want to cycle through more villagers so that I get a more varied experience - this is difficult for me, because I love a lot of villagers (including most of my current set and shep is really growing on me too) - I am buying amiibo cards to give myself More sense of being able to ‘restore’ my island to a previous lineup if I want/ need to. It will be difficult to let go, but I think will help keep the game fresh for me.

I want to keep checking in on my island everyday, because it brings me a lot of peace and joy seeing the little world I have built.

I want to go to and review dream islands, because I don’t take advantage of that feature enough, especially now that they have the random islands option.

this is more like a forum goal than the game per say, but I want to update and regularly post to my island journal, because I think it is a really fun feature with a lot of creative potential. -I also want to read more people’s island journals!

I love the new year feeling! Hoping for a great year in game and in real life for all of us!
My goal is to keep playing daily. I haven't skipped a day since March 20th last year.

I also aim to finalize my 10 permanent villagers this year. So far, I have Rolf, Sterling, Punchy, Rudy, Buzz, Bob and Hans. Not sure yet with Raymond, Maple & Tasha. I'm thinking of having Lobo and Rod back. But I want to meet more villagers first.

My island is still 80% done, but that would depend on future updates.
Completing my Critterpedia is my main goal. I should be able to finish by July - I missed almost every summer beetle and the giant isopod because I took a break in summertime. I've already got all the fish and just need the summer beetles and cicada shell (8 bugs), then the 3 new diving creatures for spring, plus the giant isopod in July. Being able to complete my art museum section would also be nice, but I'd have to trade a lot so that might wait until after I've caught all creatures.

I also want to start getting villager pictures before letting anyone move out. So far I only have 4 pictures, but just one of those came from a villager that has moved away. I only have two villagers I don't plan on letting move, and I like to have new villagers often. I think getting pictures first lets me have the villager long enough to appreciate them, but not so long I get tired of them.

Other than that, I just want to play more often. I took a lot of breaks and missed the summer beetles, then most of the mushroom and fall seasonal DIYs. I also didn't get to play much of the Thanksgiving event. I'm hoping to get to experience those things this year instead.

I don't really ever feel like my island will be "finished" - I like to frequently change up my decorations. So really, I just want to be more consistent about playing.
I want to complete the Critterpedia and finish donating the remaining deep-sea creatures to catch. I also want to move the needle on making progress in the art wing as much as RNG will allow me and help my S/O and friends finish their art sections, too.

I also want to cycle through more villagers. There are so many cuties in this game, and I wish to experience as many of them as possible. I might go back to my early-game self-set limitation of using a maximum of 30 Nook Mile tickets per island hopping session. I'll have some more flexibility around available plots for cycling once my S/O is able to take Raymond.

I want to make at least one custom design per month. More specific goals being to create seasonal/holiday-themed versions of my island flag and a spring/summer clothing line.

Overall, though, I want to decrease the amount of time I spend playing the game, unless I'm making designs or villager hunting, to free up time to focus on other parts of my life and other goals. xD
mine is also to complete the museum (minus the art section), and ig just to develop my island a bit more, especially the back area which I always neglect.
Not much really, but one important one for me is to enjoy my island for what it is. Not gonna worry about getting 5 stars anymore
Some of my goals is to finish terraforming my island and finish paying off my last loan! I have so much stuff littered on my island that just can't fit in my storage TvT And also be able to get my last 2 villagers to my island, and then I'd have the villagers i've always wanted <3 and complete the fish/bugs, etc
my goals are to talk to my villagers more, hit the rocks with shovels, send more letters to my villagers and friends, get the rest of the achievement badges, catch up on my sea creature log, and actually listen to K.K. concerts bc i've been to maybe 10 despite having the game since launch..

also i need to redecorate the main room in my house really badly -_-; I guess i need to upgrade and decorate the house of my second character also... lots to do in 2021, but I'll take it slow. I'm really hoping we get a separate building for the roost soon. if brewster is introduced in an existing building then i have a bit of terraforming to do 😅
Main goals for me are to just keep playing daily, get the remaining 2 sea creatures I need for the Critterpedia/museum, get the 5 remaining DIYs I'm missing, try to complete as many of the Nook Miles achievements I have left as possible, and also just try and complete my catalog (orderable side is complete, unorderable isn't).
i'd like to catch all the fish and bugs this year. maybe work on finishing up some nook mile goals.
I'd love to just keep playing.. After completing my island I don't really have motivation. Hoping for some non-event related updates