What are your AC goals for 2021?

I’d love to complete another room in the museum (I’ve only completed fossils). I’d also love to complete the last room in my house (basement) and expand the storage room :)
Find the last few bugs, fish and sea creatures for the museum.

But my main goal is to find Kiki and/or Lolly.
in all honesty, i’ve never done very well with setting goals; for me, goals can become incredibly overwhelming for me, especially if i’m not completing them at a rate that i think is acceptable and so, i tend to avoid them and just focus on doing what i can aha. i’ve never really set any ac goals before, either, but there are definitely a few things that i’d like to work on this year;

go at my own pace - i’d like to think that i’ve made some pretty great progress in my game; i’m constantly chipping away at my nm achievements, my catalog is expanding, 8/10 of my dreamies have been obtained, etc. however, in regards to island decoration, i haven’t done very much and i’ve been hard on myself because of it. it’s hard to look at all of the gorgeous islands that get shared online as i’m constantly comparing mine to them and so this year, i really want to work on my mindset and just,, go at my own pace. animal crossing has never been a competition and there’s no rush for me to finish anything; i’ve been more focused on other aspects and that’s okay. even if it takes me until 2023 to have a completed island, i want to recognize and believe that that’s okay. :’)

complete at least one area this year - sort of going hand-in-hand with my above goal, i’d really like to complete at least one area on my island this year. doesn’t matter how big or small the area is or when it’s finished but if i can work at and complete at least one area, i’ll consider that a success. :)

finish my home + start working on my alt character’s - definitely one of my easier goals for this year. interior design has always been one of my favourite parts of animal crossing and i’m proud to say that my house is currently about 70-80% completed! i’d really love to have all 6 rooms finished sometime this year + finally start working on my alt character’s house! i’ve got a few ideas jotted down already but i just haven’t tried to execute anything, yet aha.

and lastly, complete my museum and critterpedia - just need to catch a spider crab and firefly squid and then my museum/critterpedia will be all filled up! this one’s definitely a bit bittersweet for me but it’s always been one of my favourite parts of playing animal crossing, too.

good luck with your goals, everyone!! i believe in all of you. <3
Mine would be:

- Finish off my museum and critterpedia- Like everyone else XD

- Collect all my dreamies villager photos. I have all of my dreamies on my island now except one.

- Get Sylvana. She is the dreamie I am missing.

- Finish off my catalog.
I want to create some custom designs, terraform a little more (I haven't since my initial terraforming), get more art in the museum and meet some new animals. And trade to get more wishlist items/variations. :)
im hoping to finally complete my museum, i only have one fish (tuna) and two bugs (both super rare beatles) to go and im done!!

also im hoping to maybe fully redo my island sometime this year? i am super happy with my current island, and this is already the fourth iteration of sleeptime, but i love a big change once in a while.
Finishing the critterpedia. The march deep sea dives and the July-August bugs I missed.
And honestly, spending less time playing, because the balloon hunts are just not fun or rewarding. It's always great to set up your Christmas tree on the 28th, right?
I still want to take part in events, especially community centric ones, bug hunting with a group of people on here was a good time.
I'm going to focus on completing my critterpedia and getting 5 stars so I can get some Lilies of the valley.
I want to:

1. Finish terraforming my island (again)
2. Fully pay off my house (I just got the basement a few weeks ago because I didn't need it)
3. Finish my museum
4. Breed all of my flowers to finish my one of every flower garden
5. Collect the rest of the DIYs I am missing

I'm debating if I want to try to completely finish my catalogue or not. I might leave that for year three, but I am undecided.
Complete my museum on my main island, collect all the diy on my main player, and post dream addresses for both. My main island is fully decorated and houses furnished, so I'm a quarter of the way there!
1. I am thinking about posting my main island's dream address once it's complete.
2. Finish designing all rooms for my characters.
3. Keep my second island bare until I come up with an idea of what I want to do. (waiting for more items to be released over time)
4. Catch more deep ocean creatures and display around town.
Complete my critterpedia, clean up my island that has been raided by flowers, get more flower hybrids, and that's pretty much it.
Eat a sandwich and drink a cup of coffee. It's not much. I'm a simple villager with simple needs.
Looking forward to catalog the furniture and DIY's that I'm missing from my list of items that I haven't obtained yet in the game. Plus there is a bunch of villager photos that I plan on collecting whenever I have a new set of villagers wanting to stay on the island. The critterpedia is halfway done from being fully completed and it's being filled as I continue to hunt down the creatures that haven't been caught yet. I plan on proceeding to finish these goals during this year so that's a good thing.
after some debating, i finally decided to restart appletop and start from scratch : now i'm sea from my to-be beautiful island mori. i hope that, with a clean start, i can accomplish everything i did before and feel of ease. i'm not going to rush too much, but i want to play the game my way and be happy with my island. i wanna engage more with friends and enjoy playing the game without any regrets !!
I definitely need to focus more on completing my critterpedia. I have lost focus on daily tasks so need to start back to basics and actually fish dive and bug hunt again. My museum is just sad 😞 I have finished the fossils but the rest of it is a sad empty space which must be upsetting for Blathers 🥺

First project is to improve my villager area. At the beginning I just put them all together (won’t mention random fences 😂)
Finish most if not all of the achievements. Shouldn't take me that much more work, actually, there are only two grindy ones to finish up and then it's just the villager birthdays & KK concerts that are rough.

Apart from that, I want to spend more time decorating and make certain areas of my island better! But I'll probably do that at the same pace as I have been so far which is slow.
I been busy with other games lately. I will likely come back for any free updates.

As for this year's goal, I will catch all remaining sea creatures. That's the only thing left for me to fully complete my museum! :)