in all honesty, i’ve never done very well with setting goals; for me, goals can become incredibly overwhelming for me, especially if i’m not completing them at a rate that i think is acceptable and so, i tend to avoid them and just focus on doing what i can aha. i’ve never really set any ac goals before, either, but there
are definitely a few things that i’d like to work on this year;
go at my own pace - i’d like to think that i’ve made some pretty great progress in my game; i’m constantly chipping away at my nm achievements, my catalog is expanding, 8/10 of my dreamies have been obtained, etc. however, in regards to island decoration, i haven’t done very much and i’ve been hard on myself because of it. it’s hard to look at all of the gorgeous islands that get shared online as i’m constantly comparing mine to them and so this year, i really want to work on my mindset and just,, go at my own pace. animal crossing has never been a competition and there’s no rush for me to finish anything; i’ve been more focused on other aspects and that’s okay. even if it takes me until 2023 to have a completed island, i want to recognize and believe that that’s okay. :’)
complete at least one area this year - sort of going hand-in-hand with my above goal, i’d really like to complete at least
one area on my island this year. doesn’t matter how big or small the area is or when it’s finished but if i can work at and complete at least one area, i’ll consider that a success.
finish my home + start working on my alt character’s - definitely one of my easier goals for this year. interior design has always been one of my favourite parts of animal crossing and i’m proud to say that my house is currently about 70-80% completed! i’d really love to have all 6 rooms finished sometime this year + finally start working on my alt character’s house! i’ve got a few ideas jotted down already but i just haven’t tried to execute anything, yet aha.
and lastly,
complete my museum and critterpedia - just need to catch a spider crab and firefly squid and then my museum/critterpedia will be all filled up! this one’s definitely a bit bittersweet for me but it’s always been one of my favourite parts of playing animal crossing, too.
good luck with your goals, everyone!! i believe in all of you. <3