Death at the hands of another human, because of the sheer limitless capacity for cruelty that humans are capable of possessing. Getting mauled by a bear wouldn't be pleasant, but it would still probably be infinitely better most of the human murders I hear about on the news.
• Unknowingly dying in my sleep
• Huugee bugs
• Loud noises at night... they just give me frights. So like;
- Loud fireworks at night
- Loud noises from the air conditioner at night
- Loud rain and hail
So far, I have no fears (which is a big plus)
The only thing I'm afraid of ATM is failing grades ;-; (but I have nothing to worry about since I have A's and 1 B )
I already said this but I wanted to expand on this topic...
Seriously! Escalators are REALLY bad, but elevators scare me almost even more! They are freakishly small boxes that are lifted by cords that could potentially snap, causing you to plummet to your death...
Or, there could be a fire and they could stop working and you would not be able to do anything but sit and wait for your death...
And they are a claustrophobic person's worst nightmare,
and if you get on with someone you don't know, they could literally just kidnap or kill you and nobody would know
...and the glass ones are not the worst but they are still terrifying.. I'm scared of heights, and small spaces, and watching yourself go up in a tiny box makes me want to crawl into a corner...