barely active
I already said this but I wanted to expand on this topic...
Seriously! Escalators are REALLY bad, but elevators scare me almost even more! They are freakishly small boxes that are lifted by cords that could potentially snap, causing you to plummet to your death...
Or, there could be a fire and they could stop working and you would not be able to do anything but sit and wait for your death...
And they are a claustrophobic person's worst nightmare,
and if you get on with someone you don't know, they could literally just kidnap or kill you and nobody would know
...and the glass ones are not the worst but they are still terrifying.. I'm scared of heights, and small spaces, and watching yourself go up in a tiny box makes me want to crawl into a corner...
Yeah I know I have issues.
no you don't, I have a bad fear of elevators and escalators as well. When I was younger, I was at the mall with my friends and their mom, and back then I used to love going on escalators. So I think we were going down, and I tripped and almost fell. If it wasn't for their mom, I probably would have rolled down and who knows what would have happened me... ever since then I've been really scared of them, but my fear is getting better, it's just the down escalators I need to work on
and as for the elevators, they never scared me much until maybe 2 to 3 years ago I saw my parents watching final destination, and the scene that was on the TV was when the lady stepped in the elevator but it closed before she could get her whole body in, so the elevator squeezed on her neck until it basically decapitated her lol and that scarred me. Glass elevators aren't too bad for me because I can see where I'm going, but the ones that are like metal really freak me out and all I can think about is the cord snapping and me falling to my death