What Are Your Most-Played Switch Games?


So-Called Problem Solver
Feb 19, 2020
User Title Color Change
Mine are:

1. Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 190+ hours
2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 105+ hours
3. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - 80+ hours
4. Splatoon 2 - 60+ hours
5. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 55+ hours
6. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - 35+ hours
7. Fire Emblem: Three Houses - 35+ hours
8. Stardew Valley - 35+ hours
9. Picross S - 30+ hours
10. Rocket League - 20+ hours
Here's everything over 100 hours for me.
1. Smash Bros. Ultimate - 520 hours
2. Splatoon 2 - 500 hours
3. Fire Emblem Warriors - 310 hours
4. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - 300 hours
5. Hyrule Warriors DE - 260 hours
6. Fire Emblem Three Houses - 205 hours
7. Octopath Traveler - 125 hours
8. ARMS - 120 hours

Smash and Splat are online games so yea they're gonna be up there. Hyrule and FE Warriors... I like Warriors games if you can't tell (HW would be higher but I'm still sorta burnt out from the 1,000+ hours I put into the Wii U version). Xenoblade and Octopath, RPG's are gud. Three Houses is nice, not my favorite FE but it's great. ARMS is still fun idc what everyone else says.
Acnh 205 hours
Botw 827 hours. (I tried getting all items up to 900 each)
Xenoblade 25 hours
Animal Crossing:NH ~ 305 hours (!)
BOTW ~ 265 hrs
Hollow Knight ~ 130 hrs
Mario Odyssey ~ 25 hrs
Spyro Reignited ~ 20 hrs
Mario Kart ~ 10 hrs
BOTW - it actually won't show how many hours on my play activity, I guess because it only shows 20 games and it's been a long time since I've played BOTW, but it wouldn't be accurate anyway because I've played BOTW on multiple accounts. tbh I'd guess 500+ hours lol
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - 335 hours
ACNH - 250 hours
Pokemon Sword - 220 hours
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - 195 hours
Skyrim - 145 hours
1. Pokemon Shield - 155 Hours
2. Octopath traveler - 115 hours
3. Animal Crossing - 100 hours
4. Mario Odyssey - 25 hours
5. Final Fantasy x/x-2 HD Remaster - 20 hours
6. Mario + Rabbids kingdom battle - 20 hours
The rest of my games are 10 hours or less
animal crossing: new horizons - 305+ hours

i also have super mario odyssey and yoshi's crafted world, but i have not playing them in a whiLE oop
ill give you my top 4
Super Smash Bros Ultimate - 280 hours +
Pokemon Sword - 255 hours +
Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 250 hours +
Dragon Quest XI S - 120 hours + ( I absolutely do not want to write the long name )
Dragon Quest Builders 2: 860 hours
Animal Crossing: 630 hours (don't judge me!)
Breath of the Wild: 255 hours

Then catching up but slowly:
Dragon Quest XI: 60 hours
Animal Crossing which is at 45 hours. In the grand scheme of things that's not even high either lol. Everything else is like 10 hours or less.
1. Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 335 hours
2. Slay the Spire - 260 hours
3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 100 hours
4. Pokémon Sword - 50 hours
5. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 30 hours
ACNH is about 430 now and both BOTW and stardew valley are a bit less than 200 lol
The rest of my games are all under 100
i got my switch for fire emblem, so i haven’t played very many games yet.

2. Pokémon Shield
3. Fire Emblem: Three Houses (there’s like a 4 hour difference between this and Shield)
4. Link’s Awakening
5. PMD
1) Animal Crossing New Horizons - 310 hours
2) Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 105 hours
3) Super Mario Odyssey - 30 hours
4) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 25 hours
5) Pokemon: Let’s Go Eevee - 15 hours
ACNH 305 hrs
BotW 130 hrs
Pokemon Sword and Let's go Eevee 75 hrs each lol
Splatoon 2 35 hrs (I only got it bc my little sister is obsessed with it)

The rest are like 30hrs or less
ACNH 420 Hours
Splatoon 2 105 Hours
All of the below 10 hours give or take
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
- Cities: Skylines
- Celeste
- Pokemon Sword
- Yoshi's Crafted World
- Stardew Valley

I'm likely getting Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition on release and that'll be my third most-played game while I work through the story.
NBA 2K20, 840 hours. Yep, really. I think I've finally exhausted that game, though. My favorite build was a 99 ovr paint beast that won Godz. I played over 2,000 park games and kept a 60+ win %. That community is full of trash talking young men, and most were in disbelief that I was a 35 year old woman, lol.

AC is next with well over 100 hours now. I also got well over 100 hours out of Octopath Traveler. Have various other games between 20 and 80 hours.