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What catchphrases did you give your villagers?


½ sugar
Aug 23, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Booton Foraged Mushroom
Porkini Foraged Mushroom
Pink Poyopuffball Foraged Mushroom
Embarrassed Foraged Blushroom
Zero-G, Commander, Foraged Mushroom
Monumental Foraged Mushroom
Mythical Foraged Mushroom
Red Foraged Brushroom
Blue Foraged Brushroom
Shiny Foongus Foraged Mushroom
I need inspiration. My villagers ask to change their catchphrases at times and I want to give them something funny.

A few days ago Nan asked me to change her catchphrase, and I put "I think" because I thought it was funny she sounded unsure of herself. Then I found out Judy got the catchphrase as well, so now whenever they talk to me they always sound so unsure.

I'm curious, what catchphrases did you give your villagers? Are they related to your town theme, or is it purely random or for laughs?
The catchphrases I gave the villagers was purely for laughs and giggles. They say "NutterButter", "Hell Yeah!!", "Dig it, Sucka!!", "Meow!!", and etc.. lol!!! It makes my day. 😊
I basically make all of them say "bro" for the fun of it. I really have no imagination plus all the different personalities saying bro for the lulz
I either make them into jerks or weirdos.



I usually just make them say whatever comes to mind at the time (so they're usually related to their personality or species). I can't really think off the top of my head but i think I had poncho saying deadlift for a while? stuff like that. but I think making their catchphrases insults might be my next move!
The only problem with species specific ones is they spread em like wildfire. The best ones I had were Lopez "oh deer", Marshal "mallow", Marina "bubblegum", and Wolfgang "youngin'" (+ his greeting is "Get off my lawn!" for those old man vibes).
I bet you can start by interacting with them using the local language used in the village so as to blend in immediately. You should adapt to there catchphrases as you slowly try to bring up new ones. Also come with some gifts whenever you visit them these will earn you some gains.
I'm working my way through my villagers. I try to give them ones that fit personality and species, if possible.

Flora - cutie pie
Purrl - purr-fect
Lolly - whiskers
Lionel - dear heart
Gruff - m'dear
Dobie - my girl
Snake - carrots
Sally - butternut

I'm still waiting for Cherry and Filbert to request changes, rather than them swiping others'. Cherry just does not sound right saying 'dear heart' or 'my girl'.
Honestly, mine are just basic ones like "of course, yeah" or something silly.
I'm just uncreative with catchphrases and would rather keep the default.
ive kinda just done weird ones. so cashmere says "yall sheeple" and tom now says "mmmmmm". So clearly i, great at giving phrases ahaah
I changed Leopolds catchphrase to "actually" and now he sounds like such a know-it-all. It's great.
Matches his nerdy/professor look really well.

I do often have to reset my other villagers catchphrases since I don't want everyone saying it.​
Usually just something silly or whatever I can think of in the moment. Some of them just say silly/funny phrases in my native language.
Honestly, I'm usually so preoccupied with other stuff when playing the game that I never know what they should say. On the few occasions that they've asked, the only thing that came to mind was "fam." I don't even use that in conversation or anything, so I don't know why. After having come across this thread, though, I'm thinking that maybe since my island is based on/named after a real island in the Venetian Lagoon of Italy (Poveglia) maybe I should give them some Italian catchphrases to fit the setting.
I like to throw in some of my favorite movie quotes. ^^
You go up to talk to my villagers and they say "You threw off my groove!"