What color is your house's roof?

All my houses have the black roof. I don’t like any of the other colors because they are too bright and colorful.

edit: I forgot about all the options when you can customize it haha. I was only thinking of the color options Nook gives when you upgrade your house, and out of those black is the only one I like.
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Black. I kept it red all throughout the initial upgrade period but settled on black once I was able to fully customise it.
Aqua or pink... don't remember now. 😅 I change it pretty often. I also had the lightest colored one at one time, but didn't really like the double chimney.
my roof has been green for a few months now c:

edit: lots of photos posted, so heres mine
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My main house had the aqua roof to begin with but when the customisation options were available I changed it to the beige thatched looking roof while my second home started with the red roof that has now become the orange thatched option.
Green! I don’t have it upgraded enough to remodel the outside, so I’ve picked green consecutively because it matches the trees and such the best :)
I love it! It looks so refreshing and spring-y, in particular the wreath with that door 👌*chefs kiss*. I really want some mint ice cream after looking at this picture.

🥺 thank you!! i bet yours looks amazing, too! and also,,

I really want some mint ice cream after looking at this picture.

this is literally the best compliment i’ve ever received. 🤣💗
Started off black, then changed to a blue roof. Now it's black again! I really dislike most of the roof options though.
at the moment I have the grey thatch roof! looking at this thread my house acc looks very similar to xara's lmao, except the blue and white colours of my house are the other way round :p
I have a different colour for each of my characters.

Usagi: Pink
Ami: Blue
Rei: Red
Makoto: Green
Minako: Yellow
Black, I have not touched my house's exterior since I fists designed it, I like it too much the way it is :)
Last time I checked I had the pink curved shingles roof. I usually alternate between that, black, or purple. I wish the pink colored roofs were just a little bit more vibrant. It looks too much like a faded red to me.
Blue his my house with a blue little window and a blue corvette. Seriously though, in every AC game that I've played, the roof for my main character is always set to blue. The shingles are the curved type atm.