What currency type do you use most often for trades?

Most often used currency type for trades

  • Bells

  • Nook Mile Tickets

  • TBT

  • Other

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I only do trading on here, so I prefer tbt for sure. I can buy anything I need for my island with tbt. I don’t have fifty million NMT like some people and printing them off at the machine is very tedious so I’d rather just make a few posts on here to earn bells and pay for what I need that way. Shoutout to @Jhine7 and their fantastic shops on the forums!
I don’t really buy stuff too often but when I do it’s either tbt or wishlist trading on this forum, if it’s on another site I’ll usually use NMTs. When selling things I prefer tbt (for collectible purposes) or wishlist trading.
This site - tbt
Reddit - nmt or bells (but I think its probably more nmt)

I trade on here more so tbt would overall be the most I use.
i mostly use tbt, i post a lot so i gather tbt quite quick and i'm only really interested having ingame items so tbt is actually the best currency for me to trade 😁
I prefer to do trades with TBT, especially since I only really do trades on here now. I find it's the quickest and if I really need IGB I can always buy some down the road using my TBT. I will also trade with IGB sometimes, but my least used is probably NMT! I'm really happy with the villagers I currently have so I don't really go island hopping anymore.
More and more it's hard to get my preferred currency, which is items I don't yet have in my catalog, so I have been accepting NMTs.