What currency type do you use most often for trades?

Most often used currency type for trades

  • Bells

  • Nook Mile Tickets

  • TBT

  • Other

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Too broke to use NMT but I have a crapton of bells that I usually use. That and furniture
I prefer to swap items, like i give you an item on your wishlist for a diy. I never know what things are worth in tbt or igb(i never trade in nmt) so i find a one for one item swap easiest. That said I will use tbt or igb if that's the sellers preference.
I usually try to buy things with tbt. I use the tbt to get villagers, bells and items. In Game Bells I always need so I can’t get rid of those, and nook miles take too long to get them to come out of the ATM (feels like I’m standing there for an eternity waiting for them to be printed).
Well I use tbt I actually get really lucky on here and get lots of free stuff and positive feedback I think the only time I ever spend nmt was for bob and it was super cheap they only wanted 6 nmt
I feel like I trade with what I would want if I was the seller. I always offer wishlist items unless they specifically ask for another form of currency. It just seems like the most effective and least costly to me. Second option I usually go for are NMTs. I literally never trade with IGB, too much work. TBT has no value to me so I never use it unless the seller is only accepting tbt.
I use TBT to trade because that's what almost everyone wants. I don't see a lot of people accepting IGB or NMT, although I'm sure a few do.
Just wanted to say thanks for so many people participating in this poll! :)
When it comes to buying, it usually depends on what the buyer is asking and how badly I want the item

When I'm on the receiving end, for simple trades I'll do it for free, for other things I'm more willing to accept IGB because they are needed for loan repayment, building movements, bridges, and inclines.