• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

After many failed attempts of buying, trading, and entering raffles, I was finally able to purchase Diana! :) only 3 more dreamiest to go- and my friend is holding one of them (Pietro) for me.
Let's see.... I bought the full Gracie series today and got another shrunk joke... Only 3 more until the shrunk dance!
Sad day, as I'm juggling villagers and Pecan is leaving Mirage. I'll have her in Alpine, but I'll miss her. Also, I am about to move Erik over to Mirage--a plan that has been in the works for months and months now--and hope I don't screw it up. I have to plot reset Pecan first.
I plotted Erik into his place near Fauna, and Pecan picked a decent spot in Alpine. I feel a little like crying after reading her letter saying she feels lonely and is worried I will feel lonely, too. :( I still have her, but she lived right near me and I'm going to miss her in Mirage, which is my main town.
The game actually accomplished this for me. I went to plot reset, and without resetting, the game put it in the exact 3x3 spot I wanted it. :cool:
Rocket suggested the picnic blanket, one of the PWPs that I've been wanting. I also started on a camping cot next to my campsite (imaginative, huh?), and cleaned up the area around my campsite to better accommodate future move-ins once Fang moves out.
I managed to get some golden flowers and get two pink carnations by breeding one with a pink flower.
I got Freya plotted. She didn't go into Erik's old spot like I wanted, but I realized he was off on his own and never really seemed to interact with anyone. I have her really close to Pecan and not far from me, so I imagine she'll wander up near my house on occasion.
Meant to update as soon as it happened. But I logged in to find one of my dreamies in the tent.

And then a neighbor I'd been wanting to leave since he showed up told me he was leaving!

found phil a new home, did a bunch of favors for about half of my villagers, ordered a ton of new furniture i need to customize and paid off the loan for the back room to expand into a 9x9 room on my second char.
Talked to Freya in boxes and she basically threatened me if my town wasn't all I said it would be when I got her to move. So, I'm out landscaping like a madman to try to make it live up to the hype. :blush:
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Sent Stitches to my friend's town. Now Antonio pinged me to move, so she better make room for him too. :p I've finally decided to let him go after like 8 months. Midgar is in December so I ordered my Santa outfit to get ready for Toy Day which is coming up in a couple days. I'm working on expanding everyone's houses, and I finished Salem's, Wrex's, & Tifa's. They only had one more extension each so it wasn't too bad, but I feel accomplished.
Merry's gone, hurray! I started removing durian trees and kicking up the paths where she used to be, not sure yet what I'm doing with the space but it'll definitely be something. Went into the town hall to get Isabelle to remove a stone tablet PWP, came back out and Phineas gave me the gold gardening badge, yay I guess?
Got Apollo, one of my dreamies, to move into town. I also started building the flower clock where Fang's house used to be, so no one will move there!