• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

I finally found a good place to put my lighthouse! :)
I had to remove my turbine though :c
I finished up my fountain area, now I just need to wait for trees to grow! Also I paved in front of Re-tail.
After about three weeks, I now have my house and museums looking exactly the way I want them to, and organised cupboards. I also started my hybrid breeding program on the beach for a black cosmos, purple pansies and blue roses.
I convinced Lobo not to move out and that was literally all I did in the game today (apart from refusing to catch a river fish for Filbert when he asked me just minutes before his bed time).
On the 11th, I became Mayor of Remaerd.

Since then, I've:
~ had Biskit, Ankha, Antonia, Gayle and Cesar as starter villagers,
~ breeded my first hybrid pansies,
~ got Pate as a move-in (meh),
~ got 100% approval rating,
~ payed off my loan,
~ got Phoebe as a second move-in (yay! she's unpacking today ^_^),
~ did the first house expansion,
~ got no other hybrids (booh),
~ and started building the campsite today.

Might take a while before I finish it, but I'm having fun in my town!
Yesterday I TT'd to the current date (I was still in April) so now I can finally play the game without TT'ing! Well, that's my goal at least.

Today Whitney suggested the modern streetlight. I won't be using it, since it doesn't suit my town, but it always feels good to unlock a PWP, nonetheless. I keep walking past Muffy in the hope that she'll suggest the wysteria trellis PWP, but alas, she hasn't yet.
Also, Butch asked to move out :(

Tonight I'll be hunting down the tarantula and also look for some fish I'm missing in my encyclopaedia. I'm hoping to finish all my encyclopaediae soon!
Today was a good day~ grand opening of the cafe, got Merengue's pic, paid off zen garden and planted a bunch of trees!
I finally got my house finished with days of stalling on doing so! Also picked up the Gemini Closet for the month and organized my garden.
Took my DS to Barnes and Noble and got the general's stool. Also managed to streetpass a few people while I was there. When I came home I visited the dreams of those towns and a few other dream towns I've been wanting to see.
I spent 30k+ island hopping, trying to find an item for someone ><. I found it once yesterday but the girl either hit the power button or d/ced right when we were receiving the stupid medals in an island tour. :/ I used to always see the item until last night and today :p.
After nearly 20 hours of resetting (over the course of 48 hours), Diana finally moved into a semi-decent spot. Now onto Marshal...
i havent been able to play all weekend ahhhh!!! TT____TT
so it'll be an accomplishment when i start the game back up later today :'3
I fell asleep earlier while I was island hopping, looking for the item... x_x wasted my day. I have to make up the money I wasted, water my plants, talk to at least my favorite villagers; too much to do ><
In Town Reality the mayor had her first cup of coffee. Than she added the police station and found Katrina in the event plaza. Since I was close to getting her shop I did the make a new player abunch of times. The shop is ready to be unlocked now.
Added some more trees and a few shrubs.
Today I plan on adding the lighthouse unless a villager give me a better PWP. I think I have a good spot for the lighthouse.

The villager in Town Victoria watched the mayor destroy some more trees. It's almost scorpion time and removed a few trees in last year spawning spots. Two side players to go and I never have to catch a scorpion.