What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Visited my husband's town and let him visit mine to work on badges.
- Had Cyrus refurbish some furniture.

- Worked on a QR code for a little while.
- Hans visited while I was in my house and gave me a gift.
Today in PARADISE, I accomplished the following:

- Did my daily activities
- Helped villagers
- Finished landscape tweaks after having the last plot resetting yesterday
- Customized a couple pieces of furniture (working on a complete Silver Modern Set)! :D
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Kid cat moved out. I built my apple tree forest and a metal bench, made some special stumps. Planning a place now to get friga!
Today I finally, finally managed to breed a blue rose! ;w;

Other than that, in Arcana:
? Spoke to all villagers, said goodbye to Cousteau
? Bought a cedar sapling to continue surrounding my stone tablet
? Ordered a house expansion
? Went to the island for beetle hunting​
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Got the bronze Streetpass badge from Phineas! Woohoo! :D
- Visited my husband's town and sold my turnips for a small profit.
- Let my husband visit my town to work on the badge.
- Dug up two new gyroids.
- Stopped Hugh from moving.
- Bruce was in my campsite and I want him for my second town eventually so I invited him to move in.
- Realized I never celebrated the Train Station remodel so I visited Town Hall and celebrated my final PWP in Sakura! :blush:

- Checked his mail.
- Talked to Grizzly and he gave me his hospital bed, which means I finally succeeded in getting it out of his house.
- Sold a few items at Retail.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Sahara.
- Completed a daily and a weekly Meow task.
- Had Cyrus refurbish some furniture.
- Worked on some landscaping.

- Talked to a few villagers and completed a request for Chow.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Sahara.
- Wasted more time working on a QR code that I'm pretty sure I'll never use.
In Treehut, Tia asked to move out. Now I'm one step closer to transferring her to Moriyo where she will live out her days happily as a magical tea pot.

In Luminosa, Muffy, who has frequently stalked me on different towns, is moving out. She placed her house not in a plot, so I'm glad she will be leaving. This makes me one step closer to transferring Punchy and/or Tutu to Luminosa, whoever asks first.
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In Auroral:
- Went to friend's town to dump off items to pick up later on my second game
- Played a couple of mini games on the island with friend before switching to my second game
- Came back around 3 am to do some gardening
- Redid the mushrooms in my fairy ring and scattered various other mushrooms around the path leaning up to it
- Started placing my tulips in the pattern i wanted in my tulip garden
- Extended the flower patch around Stitches' house further back
- Started lining one of my ponds with roses
- Continued the purple flower field around town hall
- Dug up all the bamboo
- Lined my zen garden in stone qrs
- Began swapping out the white and pink roses around my illuminated heart with white and pink carnations
- Moved some of the flowers I know I'm not using to the beach / moved white roses up off the beach and dumped them in the area i'll plant them once my trees are finished being planted
- Watered carnations
- Gave my boy Octavian a chair bc I didn't have the heart to say no... after i just got his house finally starting to look decent again, too......
- Updated my dream address (even tho idk why bc my town is far from done but jfkldsafkld gotta get those 5k bells u feel)

In Dreamy:
- Went to my friend's town to pick up all of the fossils and items i had dumped for myself
- Went to the island with said friend since neither of us had many medals on the files we were playing on
- Finally purchased a diving suit
- Stole a bunch of white tulips from the gardening mini game and left them in friend's town so i can pick them up on my other game tomorrow
- Returned to my town and donated the paintings / fossils / etc to the museum.
- Caught a few misc insects and fish that i didnt already have, donated those too
- Talked to Tom Nook to change the tile outside my house finally
- Attempted paying off loan, too lazy to pay off the remaining 100k today lmao
- Visited Aurora's house at like.... 1 am bc she wanted to visit. (granted it was 1pm in the game but still)
- Went diving and got real frustrated when things would sWIM OUT OF BOUNDS :' ) donated the new stuff
After an hour of plot resetting, I finally managed to get Bruce's plot in the exact spot I wanted! I scanned in his amiibo yesterday to replace Marina, as I'm currently moving around some plots. It took a while because he kept wanting to plot in the spot that Marina's house was previously in :mad: Oh well, I'm just happy it worked out in the end!
Got Friga to move into my second town, i love her. She moved out of my first and i got her back! I decorated the outside of her house, and bought more trees and bushes at leifs store. Other than that its pretty slow moving. Both of my towns are almost finished so it can get boring. Thinking about getting a second physical copy.
- Got Bruce to plot in the correct spot.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request. Unfortunately, I spent almost 30 minutes looking for a koi for Patty and failed.
- Got a new song from K.K.
- Let my husband visit for the badge.
- Had Cyrus refurbish some furniture.

- Checked his mail.
- Completed a request for Sterling.
- Got a new song from K.K.
I finally completed my fourth Gracie fashion check! I envy people whose schedules allowed them to do the 'order from the Nooklings before 5pm' strat every time, I really do. Must've been nice. But I'm finally done and I don't need to worry about it anymore!
Was just walking around my town and my heart stopped when I found a Jacobs ladder! I figured it was a mess up because lately my town has just been “average”

I talked to Isabelle and was overwhelmed with happiness when she said I do infact have a perfect town!! <3
Got in my new town The Roost and found a nice place for it. Also planted some trees and bushes.
Still need to plant more since I have too many empty looking spots in my town.
Over the last couple of days:

-Realized I really didn't like Stardust's map layout, especially upon placing the police station and campsite, sooooo as I was already past the requirements... I moved all my important stuff to my other town and sold it off for a tidy 19.9mil |D

ahem so...

Met with Rover, and the very first map after the initial sell looked promising! Eastern cliff, southern falls, nice wide spaces, only two ponds and they were close... honestly the only true downside was that the native fruit was pears when I kinda wanted peaches, and I was not going to throw away what looked near perfect over such a detail |D House was set up, tutorial completed, and the rest of that day way spent chopping trees and laying out patterns.

-Day 2: Deciding where buildings will go! Set up nine for-certain housing spaces, with a possibility of all ten once I cycle some villagers through. Gained Shep, Pate; with Fuschia about to move in! Found nice spaces for The Roost and police station later, as well as likely spots for my other residents. Paid off initial home loan, donated some fossils and fish, and caught a Stringfish! (once again I get that thing ridiculously early in my playthrough, what the heck xD)
Finally upgraded to the T&T Emporium today so I was super excited to run in and see that. Bought some expensive purple shoes from Gracie to go with my purple outfit I had on my mannequin and got my 4th mannequin from her!
- Bought turnips.
- Worked on some landscaping.
- Greeted Bruce and welcomed him to town.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit and he gave me two gold nuggets.
- Had Cyrus refurbish my gold nuggets and got a golden table.
- Visited my husband's town and chatted with his villagers.
- Visited my spare town to pull weeds, dug up fossils, collected gyroids and mushrooms.
- Picked up several rare items from my spare town, including the last painting I needed for my museum.
- Turned in the moving painting to Blathers and finally completed my museum!!! :D

- Checked his mail.
- Greeted Bruce.