What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Punchy gave me his picture after I gave him a perfect orange. :) My villager picture collection is growing.
Main Town-While watering flowers something moved by the stump. Forgot that it was first day for butterflies. Got the net out of storage and caught/gave some to villagers as a gift.
Dropped by Ed house again for a playdate. He placed the modern sofa that I mailed to him.
Completed tasks for villagers and got Lolly picture.
Managed to find a town lay out I like. That's an accomplishment in it's own considering how anal I am about my layouts, lol.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Visited my spare town twice to pull weeds and got 4 pieces of weeding furniture from Leif.
- Dug up gyroids and fossils in my spare town, had the fossils assessed and sold them.
Caught a peacock butterfly and spider to add to the museum today.
Happy first day of spring everyone! ^^

Does anyone know if hybrids have a higher chance of growing now that winter is over?
I’ve been trying to just get pink roses lately and having a hard time but today I walked around my town and found black roses and a few orange flowers. I wasn’t even trying for them lol I just have random flowers everywhere right now.
I made it

No, wait, it was yesterday
Today I just paid off my first loan and helped some animals, haha :p
Spent all night prepping my town for villager plots, adopted Skye and basically just fished all night. Skye put her house in the desired spot this morning and I paid off my first house loan. Also hit Dora with a net. Twice.
This isn't particularly what I did in town but I found my first acnl game card after 2 year's so yay!
I've just been cleaning up the town
Today I reset my town, and established a new one, which has a mayor named Angela (my mother's name) and a town name of Buxom, which is a word she finds funny. I aim to make this town as she would like a town to be, if she were able to play (she is plagued by dreadful arthritis in her hands) with plenty of trees, flowers and no paths, as she loves the green natural feeling of animal crossing towns, from when we used to sit and play together on the Wii version when I was a kid.

I did all of Isabelle's tasks, paid off my down payment and am now saving up enough money to be able to easily pay off my next mortgage tomorrow! Also, little hybrid flower breeding patches have been set up and watered c:
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Let my husband visit my town to get a petition signed.
- Visited my husband's town and chatted with his villagers.
- Had Cyrus refurbish some gold nuggets and got a golden bed.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Organized my storage a bit.
- Hung the Hibiscus Clock I got from weeding my spare town in my bug room in the museum.
- Chow pinged me to tell me he's moving and I agreed to let him go.
- Got a new song from K.K.

- Checked his mail.
- Put his snow bunny in storage.
- Got a new song from K.K.
day 2 of my new town! accomplishments include:
- paid of 39,800 bell debt
- talked to nook for expansion
- got my hair done at someone's town
- achieved 100% approval rating!!!!! (thank God, that took forever)
- got my first 3 or 4 hybrid flowers- two orange pansies, a pink rose and an orange tulip c:
- plot reset for my first new move in (benedict, cute!) to be in an out-of-the-way location: i'm trying to keep villagers to those who were in the wii game.. we'll see how that goes!
- made a cute birthday cake design town flag and found a nice town tune
- got a tonnnnnnn of cute furniture for my little house! (hence the need for an expansion)

i'm excited for tomorrow, which will bring (hopefully) the ability to do mayor stuff, tortimer's arrival and announcement about the island (if he isn't cancelled by the event), and festivale! :eek:
- planted more flowers and bushes
- donated the last fossils to the museum
- sold the fossils I didn’t need
- visited my friend’s town
- went on my alt (first character) and talked to Sable
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The two villagers that showed up on the worst spaces ever due to my own doing (I forgot a few plot resetting tiles here and there and didn't start up a new save file properly) are finally out of these spaces! Quickly put down tiles, so now hopefully the tenth villager should move into the spot I have saved up for him/her. Fingers crossed!
Skye officially moved in today, and Freya plotted her home in the correct spot this morning (almost forgot to check, too). Also very close to getting my development permit (80 percent), and Tortimer came by today so I'll have access to the island tomorrow.

Also planning to adopt another villager today, as well. Hoping to find them tonight so I can have them plot tomorrow.
Today, I made my town flag! I'm not great at pixel art, but I managed to do a nice color gradient that looks kind of natural. I will post my flag when I get home from work today because I am very proud of how it turned out! :) :) :)
- did a bit of fruit tree landscaping
- worked a shift at The Roost and received superb coffee beans
- bought the princess carpet from Gracie
- caught my first loach and donated it to the museum
- got my marshmallow chair customised to pink
- did a few errands for my villagers
- sold off a bunch of unwanted items
- caught a few bugs at the island and sold them to Reese
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