- Paid off home loan.
- Got 100% for my town development permit.
- Unlocked the island.
- Talked to Sable and bought out the Able Sisters' shirts/pants/dresses/etc.
- Bought furniture from Nookling Junction.
- Scanned Reese's amiibo and got the antique shelf and hearty breakfast from her RV.
- Talked to Kyle, who moved in today.
- Paid Saharah for her services. Got a pretty carpet from her.
Main Town-Stopped a mover after getting lots of rumor talk. Completed tasks for the villagers and bought shrubs/flowers.
PurlLand-2nd player caught the walking leaf and completed the bug collection. All 16 towns players have their golden net/fishing rods.
Mayor/2nd player scanned new Qr code pathways and completed all tasks for the villagers. Mayor stopped Gaston from moving.
Mayor added/paid for the Windmill PWP and did some landscaping. Added more pink/white flowers, trees and some shrubs.
Town Weeds-Went thru the list and picked the villagers that need to be scanned in. Plan is to start perfect town status while I wait for a mover. Need to fill in the spot before scanning the card.
Town Spare- Got the petition for Club LOL done. Completed tasks for the villagers.
- Did my usual daily tasks (dig up stuff, talk to villagers, etc.)
- Plot Resetted Ganon in my town! Tomorrow, I'll be asking Epona to move in so I have all 4 Zelda characters in my town in a small village of their own!
- Tweaked landscaping and path system to incorporate Ganon's house properly and it improved the town's layout overall!
This isn't necessarily a town accomplishment, but I finally got enough money to buy the Zelda and Ganon amiibos! W. Link and Ganon are my favorite Zelda villagers, so I'm getting so excited to finally have them! I just need to decide what my new town's name will be as Poshley is too full to add them.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Said good-bye to Paula. Caught her sleeping actually. She must have been up all night packing, poor thing.
- Celebrated Anabelle's birthday and gave her a gift from her recommended list. She loved it!
- Removed the flowers around Paula's house and laid down patterns for plot resetting.
- Cut down a few trees and moved around some more flowers because I've been feeling like my residential area is too enclosed lately and I wanted to open it up a bit.
- My husband visited twice to get me to 100 visits! Finally!
- Talked to Porter and he suggested the train station upgrade.
- Talked to Isabelle and selected the Zen train station and fully paid for it.
- Got a new song from K.K.
- Checked his mail.
- Said good-bye to Paula.
- Celebrated Anabelle's birthday and gave her a shirt from her recommended list. She changed into it immediately.
- Sold some extra furniture he had been hoarding since furniture was on premium at Retail today.
- Got a new villager, Patty, to plot in Paula's old space.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Visited my husband's town to get a petition signed for Annalisa.
- Let my husband visit my town to keep working on my host badge.
- Kicked up the patterns around Patty's plot and planted some flowers.
- Had Cyrus refurbish some furniture.
- Bought 2500 turnips.
- Checked his mail.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Sold some items at Retail.
Main Town-
Mayor completed tasks for the villagers and stopped a mover.
Mayor built and paid for the Illuminated Tree and Heart. Toby requested PWP 2 days in a row. Asked for the Pyramid and said Coco loved his idea. The next day he requested the Chair Sculpture. Carmen requested the Garbage Can last night.
Completed tasks for the villagers and received Francine picture.
Pokemon-Mayor played a few nights ago. Stopped a mover, completed tasks and got a new PWP.
Town Reality-Played last night and found out the last day played was when I added the amiibo update for the town. Completed all tasks and petition. Cleaned the closets for all players and paid for the secret storage. Mayor found the lamp.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Greeted Patty and sent her a welcome letter and gift.
- Sent letters/gifts to half of my villagers.
- Visited my husband's town and let him visit mine to work on badges.
- Visited a dream address.
- Checked his mail.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- Talked to a few of my villagers.
- Sold a few items at Retail.
I emptied out my storage, House, and Wardrobe outside onto the ground for a pre-reset giveaway.
I still need to unload 956 million bells from my ABD though...
- Did some landscaping.
- Got my fortune read by Katrina.
- Worked on sewing machine/Shampoodle/other shop upgrade progress.
- Built a fountain in front of town hall.
- Mailed some letters.
In my brand new town:
-Made the down payment to move out of my tent!
-Met all my starter villagers
-Did a bit of fishing
-Visited another kind user's town to use their Shampoodle and get rid of my hideous pink starter hair!
I played through like 8 days in Whittown (and one in Beantown) over the holiday weekend, lol.
Caught a stringfish so all I have left for the museum is the dung beetle, spider crab, and blowfish (and a bunch of art that Redd won't sell me).
Got all the Gorgeous furniture and everything from GracieGrace's winter collection except the pulse shirt.
Got some of the Jingle series and festive furniture, and the whole Santa outfit, and know at least one piece of info for each villager for Toy Day.
Celebrated Kyle's and Tom's birthdays.
Finished collecting the Sanrio furniture.
Made my fourth character and built her house up through the second floor expansion.
Got all the Fishing Tourney funiture except the marine pop wall and 1st, 2nd, 3rd place (and probably 4th). (Grr, I thought I was done with the tourney.)
Hung out in the first big snowstorm.
-made my beach look like, well, a beach; added loitering exotic fruits, finished planting bananas and coconuts, placed down sand and towel patterns, and randomly placed flowers throughout
-earned the villager of honor badge
-bought furniture for the house
-talked with new neighbor
nothing big like a few days ago, but i'm cleaning up and planning my perfect town!
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Visited my husband's town and let him visit mine to work on the badges.
- Sent letters/gifts to the remaining half of my villagers.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Cut down some cherry trees and replaced them with regular saplings after deciding that I was happy with their placement.
- Checked his mail and got the Merlion from Gulliver.
- Talked to a few villagers and completed a request for Chow.
- Sold some items at Retail.
- Worked on a QR code that I started the other day for his house, but it's not really turning out the way I had hoped.
-Created a town tune and (pitiful) town flag
-Unlocked Wisp's lamp and asked Tad to move into my town
-Dug up some fossils and donated them to the museum
In Treehut Tia asked to move out, so now as long as I dont streetpass myself, Tia will be moving in Moriyo, which will give me a grand total of 5 dreamies living in Moriyo. That would make me half way there, or technically over half, since Flurry and Benjamin will never move out unless I get my dreamies cards. Which will probably never happen.
Man I love having multiple towns. In 5 yrs real time I never got this close to getting all my dreamies for New Town.
Main Town- Completed villagers tasks. Watered hybrids.
Town Reality-All players moved locker items to the secret storage. Paid for the secret storage.
Player 2 found the lamp and got a new joke.
Player 3 got a new joke, bought fertilizer and got a bronze streetpass badge. The badge was a nice surprise.
Mayor stopped a mover and update the dream suite. Update took forever and got a new dream address.
Town Spare-The sky was purple this morning while the mayor watered the flowers and picked up hybrids.
Plan on going back to that date as soon as the Club is opened for a dream suite address.
In Sherwood, I got 100 percent villager approval, signed the Night Owl Ordinance into law, placed the water well PWP, unlocked the island and bought a Club Tortimer membership, and was able to aquire lemons, and coconuts from islands... and Nibbles gave me a persimmon, which I quickly planted. All I have to do is get Becky a horse mackerel.