What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Main Town-Completed tasks for the villagers.

PurlLand-Completed tasks for the villagers and unlocked the Windmill PWP. Ordered birthday gifts for 2 villagers birthdays.
First night scorpion hunting with no luck. Bought a Scary painting from a villager and it was real.
Found a lost item in my town, still trying to find who own that lost item
found the person who lost it
Sold some gyorids
apriased some fossils
watered some plants
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Updated the look of my exterior house! I had it set to brown for the fall but just recently updated it for winter. I think it looks really nice. Also today I got rid of all the random items laid in my town. I really want to grow some Jacob's Ladders so I'm going for perfect town status from now on.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Got visits from my husband and my spare town to get closer to the train station upgrade.
- Got the silver Pro Turnip Trader badge from Phineas!
- Finally decided I'm happy with the placement and paid off the Reset Center.
- Planted a few bushes and removed the extra random flowers around the Reset Center.
- Had Cyrus refurbish some furniture.
- Stored my spare Jacob's Ladders in hopes of getting some new ones to grow.

- Checked his mail.
- Sold a few items at Retail.
- Bought out GracieGrace, except the Gorgeous carpet and wall
- Watered hybrids
- Dug up fossils and smashed the ore rock and got the money rock and updated the dream address
- Bought a pumpkin pie from Jack's RV
- Picked up Santa's Beard from LaBelle
- Ran villager errands
- Caught a snow crab and a red king crab and donated them to the museum and completed a diving MEOW coupon in the process

- Cleaned up some stray furniture from the ground and reorganized her closets a bit, left some new furniture out for a new character
- Money rock/dream address
- Bought flower seeds in hopes of a silver watering can
- Ran a couple of errands
- Summoned CeCe and ordered Callie's clothes

- Picked up stray items for her storage
- Hit the money rock, assessed and sold fossils, updated dream address
- Ran some errands and got a dapper shirt
- Got the golden shovel!

- Started a new character!
- Did all starter errands up through the watering can
- Paid off down payment
- Started decorating tent
- Ordered the rest of Callie's clothes
- Started working on getting mannequins
In Luminosa-
•Donated 2 more paintings
•Transferred Whitney from Moriyo. Now Whitney will be a permanent resident.
•Expanded the upstairs to level 2. Marisol's bedroom is coming along, but needs to be expanded again to have everything I want in it.
•Club LOL is now open
•Kicks shoe shop is now open
•Drift moved out
•Also did so landscaping for my future campsite area

In Moriyo-
•Now that Whitney moved out, I have 9 spots, so I can move Tia from Treehut and have half of my dreamies for Moriyo.

In Treehut-
•Cobb moved out
•Got more landscaping done
•Started redoing Ginseng's living room to more so look like Raguna's house from RFF
•Donated the robust statue
I finally got the Dive Master Gold Badge in Cutetown! I've been diving for an hour or so everyday for a bit now & I finally got it. Now onto the Gold Bug Badge. Off to the Island!
Well, I caved. Knowing that I likely won't play much (or any) New Leaf once the Switch game comes out because I'll be so invested in it, I remade Clover. I'm now Mayor Kera of Cozy Oak (which is a name I will be hoping for when the Switch game comes out, because I love it and it seems to be fine with my fiance, who will be sharing the town with me)! I got the daydreamy face (with the half-closed eyes) because it has really grown on me. I wasn't sure if I liked it or not in the small thumbnail I saw in a face guide, but fwn on the screenshot thread has posted pictures of that face so much that I really love it now! :)

I have the silver badge for saving bells and my catalog already, which is a nice start. Lolly is a starting villager, as is Mint, and I will likely keep both. The others will be phased out.
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- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Got a chocolate cake from Isabelle and gave it to Shrunk.
- Got a chocolate heart from my favorite villager, Grizzly! :blush:
- Resetti popped up outside my house to thank me for building the Reset Center. It was a pleasant surprise.
- My husband visited to get me closer to my train station upgrade.
- Removed a few more extra flowers that I don't think I'll need.
- Had Cyrus refurbish some furniture.
- Got my hot chocolate at the cafe.

- Got a chocolate cake from Isabelle.
- Got a chocolate heart from Annalisa.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed a request for Annalisa.
- Played hide and seek with Hans, Chow, and Grizzly.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Got a chocolate cake from Isabelle and gave it to Shrunk.
- Got a chocolate heart from my favorite villager, Grizzly! :blush:
- Resetti popped up outside my house to thank me for building the Reset Center. It was a pleasant surprise.
- My husband visited to get me closer to my train station upgrade.
- Removed a few more extra flowers that I don't think I'll need.
- Had Cyrus refurbish some furniture.
- Got my hot chocolate at the cafe.

- Got a chocolate cake from Isabelle.
- Got a chocolate heart from Annalisa.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed a request for Annalisa.
- Played hide and seek with Hans, Chow, and Grizzly.
- Completed a daily Meow task.

Haha! I started giving Shrunk more luxury foods on my alt lately, instead of plain ol fruit.

I participated in the bug off! I don't think 81 points will win me 1st place by the end of the day but I'm too lazy to hunt for better ones lol. Got a couple cute bug off items. My favourite being the honey comb dresser!
Finished paying off the Water Pump that I got made beside the river because I previously had it next to ReTail but didn't like it there anymore so I got it demolished lol. Then I finished paying off the loan for one of my room expansions, so I just got another room expanded :cool:
Main Town- Lolly came out from hiding in her house and museum. Completed villagers tasks and had fun playing with them.

PurlLand -
Mayor caught an extra tarantula and got her scorpion to complete her bug collection. Donated the scorpion and the museum is now complete. Completed all the villagers tasks.
2nd Player caught a cicada shell and a scorpion. One more bug to go.
Both players celebrated Mira birthday. Built the picnic blanket that she requested.
*Added a new K.K. Slider Song to my Jukebox.
*Got Filbert's pic (YASSS)
*Sold 4k turnips for an okay profit.
*Stopped Ankha from moving (Absolutely not, Ankha.)
*Did a few requests, mostly for Whitney.
Today in PARADISE, I accomplished the following:

- Did all of my daily tasks
- Working on the 2nd stage of my newest project: making the northern cluster of my villager houses into a Zelda village (by having all 4 Zelda villagers up there) and improving the overall placement of all the houses! :D
- Placed a ton of patterns throughout town to get ready for plot resetting tomorrow when Ganon moves in (Epona will be next)! :)
- Did some landscaping tweaks
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Had Cyrus refurbish some furniture.
- Ordered two presents for Anabelle's birthday tomorrow, one for my mayor to give her and one for my alt.
- Went to the island and caught fish/bugs to sell.
- Completed a weekly Meow task.
I've been landscaping my trees today! I will be working on organizing flowers later. I have been collecting saplings for days to do this!
feb 14

On Valentine's Day I received chocolate from my favourite villager: Lobo!
But I then learned that Lobo has an admirer.


Make that two admirers.



Later that evening, I put on my best dress and went to his house and gave him a blowfish.



feb 15

Lobo friend-zoned me.


feb 16 (today)

My failure is now the talk of the town. Feeling lonely, I bought a cactus for companionship.



/just another day in hanamura