What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Today in Hanguri:
-Plot resetted for Genji
-Talked to Whitney and Fang...the others are not staying soo yeah
-Just unlocked the island
-Ordered a house expansion
today i:
- visited katrina 13 times (alternate characters, got bored after 13, which is a good bite out of the 20? you need to do!)
- established the early bird ordinance for tomorrow as i have free time in the mornings usually
- started, chose a spot for and paid off the campsite pwp (will see that tomorrow!)
- placed some patterns to make some paths, a little bit of planning for paths in town
- traded with a friend to get some garden stuff!
Main Town
Mayor sold Pave Items and villagers gave lots of rumor talk that no one was moving. Lolly pings and she asked to move. Stopped her.
Player 3 celebrated her birthday. Paula was waiting outside and Lolly/Tutu were at the party. Got some birthday candles.
Today I got the Golden Fishing Rod in town オアシス~!

- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/traveler badges.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Sahara.
- Worked on some landscaping.

- Checked his mail.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Sahara.
- Sold some items at Retail.
- added some new items to a room in my house
- caught bugs at the island
- helped Gulliver with his trip to Korea!

Only really played for like.. 30 minutes today, but I'm mostly not going to be playing much today. Gonna be playing in the evening, though. But so far:

- Campsite was officially built. There was a camper inside when we celebrated it. That must have been awkward for Lionel who was inside.
- Wolfgang plotted his home in the correct spot. Didn't even have to plot reset! Just knew he'd be in the right spot.
- Got a home loan of 298,000 Bells to start work on my second floor. Will be heading to the island tonight to make some bells to pay it off tomorrow.
- Piper officially moved in today.

I'm now at 10 villagers, 5 of them being permanent villagers. I just need my unwanted villagers to move out now, hoping to pick up Elmer next!
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Worked on a little bit of landscaping.
- Went to the island and completed a few tours.
Well, played a lot more this evening. So...

- Made about 400,000 Bells fishing and such. Will probably fish a bit more before I go to bed, so I'm likely to add about another 50,000 on top of the 400,000 I already have.
- Did some mental landscaping, I've got a pretty decent idea so far. Waiting on tomorrow to roll around so I can get an image of my town map so I can do a bit of editing magic to better plan it all. Might also make a thread for some additional opinions on my plans, not sure though.
- No one really mentioned any sort of rumour at all. I'd imagine I was just a bit unlucky, or perhaps Piper having moved in today caused something, but it appeared no one wanted to move. But I'm gonna be checking double tomorrow, just in case.

On a side note, I'm really hoping my island stocks a wetsuit soon, I really want to work on unlocking PWPs ASAP. I need my police station and brick bridge, ugh.
- I returned Ozzie's lost comic book

- I helped Shep with his "Hugs, Not Thugs" petition

- and, finally, I met Merengue at the campsite. I loved her instantly.
- dug up and sold the fossils I didn’t need
- went on my alt and talked to Sable ( finally got the qr code machine) scanned some beach stuff and beach towel qr codes for the beach and placed them down
- got a picnic blanket design from qr code and placed them down
- got some fruit, ice cream, drink and lollipop and placed them round the picnic blanket
- got some ice creams, pinwheels, a wetsuit, sunglasses, goggles, sun hats, sandals, a snorkel mask and a beach parasol and placed them around the beach towels designs I got by qr code
- got a dress for my alt by qr codes
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I'm not sure of this counts, cause it technically wasn't MY town, but

In my sisters town, I made 2 more house plots so she can get her animals I'm holding out of Secret, so I can FINALLY remake that town.
Then I caught her a scorpion :^D
last two days, but even so:
- unlocked wind turbine and caution sign pwp (eh...)
- planned out some stuff for position of caf?/police station etc in the future
- plot reset maple without patterns into a good spot..... took bloody forever :rolleyes:
- put down patterns on all the cobble areas of town outside buildings
- got pompom the duck (a camper) to agree to moving in
- celebrated my cobblestone bridge being built
Not a great deal of stuff today, but stuff none-the-less:

- Paid off my 298,000 Bell home loan for my second floor. Had a Barrel mailbox in Nook's Homes so I opted to get that first, so I will have to wait until tomorrow to upgrade my home.
- Wolfgang official moved in, he's unboxing.
- No one appears to want to move out yet, can't get any villager moving rumours from any of my town residents. It may be due to the fact Portia decided to troll me a couple days ago and instantly change her mind on moving out when I said "good luck!" to her.
- Got a picture of my town map, and have made some plans on house placements and landscaping.
Played in all of my towns today,

Got Tia to plot in Moriyo. I wished she had plotted in the other plot, but that's just my mistake for not blocking it the plot she's in now. It wasn't important that she goes in the other one, I just liked the idea of Sterling and Knox on opposite sides.

In Treehut, I got my train station a little cleaner, giving stuff to my Luminosa mayor.
Luminosa mayor got items for her house along with landscaping items from Treehut. Also got gold tools.

Mayor from Treehut went over to Secret to get some bells for PWPs and Yusha's house in the future.
I accomplished some deep sea diving and caught five new species for my encyclopedia, and I donated them to the museum. I got a visit from Pascal, who wanted my scallop, and I got the diving bronze badge from Phineas.
oh my uh cleaning out the bamboo shoots in my bamboo area, also realising you can stack bamboo shoots
Was molly birthday yesterday, Time travel!!. Got my hair done by harriet
Also sent some ore to some villagers
Not a great deal of stuff today, but stuff none-the-less:

- Paid off my 298,000 Bell home loan for my second floor. Had a Barrel mailbox in Nook's Homes so I opted to get that first, so I will have to wait until tomorrow to upgrade my home.
- Wolfgang official moved in, he's unboxing.
- No one appears to want to move out yet, can't get any villager moving rumours from any of my town residents. It may be due to the fact Portia decided to troll me a couple days ago and instantly change her mind on moving out when I said "good luck!" to her.
- Got a picture of my town map, and have made some plans on house placements and landscaping.

My island had a black wet suit for sale! Did a few tours and bought it. I can finally start doing the diving trick!