What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

So far, today's been a good day. I started playing during fall - so I'm so happy that the grass is back and the trees are green! I'd never seen this in-game yet and I really love it. I like it much more than winter. It also gives me the opportunity to catch some new fish and bugs.

Today, I caught three new fish which I've donated to the musem: a cherry salmon, a rainbow trouth and an oarfish. I also caught the Spider Crab which I've donated as well. I only need 1 more deep-sea creature to complete my catalog! I also need another scallop. I've cought one so far and I gave it to the otter so I couldn't donate it sadly.

I found a second Jacob's ladder in my town, and I've used it to do some more decorating.

Rosie also moved in completely today. This is the first day she was out and about, which is nice. I don't mind her, but her house is in a pretty bad place so if she wants to move, I'll be okay with that.

Today was also the first time I saw a rainbow in my town!
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Today I managed to convince another person's Bones to move into my town, the first of my dream villagers. I also figured out how im gonna be able to move out villagers so that i can trade for some others
Due to some time traveling, I'm currently on March 4th, which is festival day, wohoo. It's my first festival as well, I missed it last year. So I'm trying to patiently collect feathers - I also still have to put some more small roads and go to the island to make some money for my house T_T I'm just so lazy when it comes to bug hunting, haha. But the confetti in the air is beautiful and the villagers look adorable in their festival outfits.
I used my new amiibo scanner to scan Cherry’s card so I can have one of my dreamies! Now I have 4/10 of my dreamies!
Currently doing the diving trick to try and get a PWP suggestion off Skye, or Piper. Hoping Skye suggests the flower bed PWP. Not counting on it though. Other than that, a few things did happen last night as well as today for what time I have played:

- Last night, Wolfgang asked me to deliver a gift to Sky. Ended up being a shirt that she changed into, and it looks decent on her. She gave me a bamboo shoot as a gift. I don't even have the first shop upgrade yet! Awesome.
- Speaking of first shop upgrade, Nookling Junction finally decided to inform me they were remodeling today.
- Found Isabelle asleep today, and unlocked the Dream Suite PWP.
- New brick bridge was completed today, now getting around my town is a lot easier.
- Flora has pinged me about 6 times today, I'd imagine she wants to change her mind about moving... but I am not risking that and I just ran away from her every time, lol.

Will probably head to the island tonight to catch some beetles for some cash as well, but we'll see when that time comes around.
Not much going on in Hanguri at the moment. Just working on flower breeding and doing some tree planting and planning out the town some more. Maple keeps pinging me for the most Random of Random PwPs...oh well...she means well but I don't need road signs.
Currently doing the diving trick to try and get a PWP suggestion off Skye, or Piper. Hoping Skye suggests the flower bed PWP. Not counting on it though. Other than that, a few things did happen last night as well as today for what time I have played:

- Last night, Wolfgang asked me to deliver a gift to Sky. Ended up being a shirt that she changed into, and it looks decent on her. She gave me a bamboo shoot as a gift. I don't even have the first shop upgrade yet! Awesome.
- Speaking of first shop upgrade, Nookling Junction finally decided to inform me they were remodeling today.
- Found Isabelle asleep today, and unlocked the Dream Suite PWP.
- New brick bridge was completed today, now getting around my town is a lot easier.
- Flora has pinged me about 6 times today, I'd imagine she wants to change her mind about moving... but I am not risking that and I just ran away from her every time, lol.

Will probably head to the island tonight to catch some beetles for some cash as well, but we'll see when that time comes around.

Skye suggested the stone tablet PWP... RIP. Mission failed.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Said good-bye to Chow.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Let my husband visit my town and then I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Started forming a plan to landscape the final untouched area in my town.

- Checked his mail.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- Picked up a bunch of seashells to sell.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Talked to several villagers and completed their requests.
- Said good-bye to Chow.
Today I managed a couple things,
- I found someone to sell my turnips to, their sell price was 581 so i made a ton of money from that; I cant wait for next weeks turnips! Im definitely going to buy more for next week
- I got a purple rose today to start breeding with my orange rose to make red roses to breed for Blue roses >_> Im almost there Its so long
- I also decided im gonna end up making my town look really nice, cuz i got inspired by that town i just sold turnips to -> It looked so nice! It was Beautiful, and i cant wait to redo my town!
- Plan right now: Get all the villagers I want into my town -> Buy / get tons of Hybrid flowers whose look I like -> Profit from Beautiful town
- I also started to move Fang in to try and test a way to open up villager slots by ignoring them for a week that way I can buy Lucky and Boots
-Delivered a package to Robin

-Stopped Gruff from moving

-Obtained Truffles from another TBT user

-Gave a pear to Kid Cat for him to eat

Will upload a new Memories of Fireleaf entry shortly. Just have to find a suitable time to write it.
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•I got Phoebe to plot in Luminosa after her unexpected leave from Moriyo.
•I gave bells to Marisol and Kasumi as well from my not-soon-enough-to-be-remade-town Secret. Also had Marisol pick up the rest of my items to hold.
•Marisol got a silver bell saver badge since I out bells in her account.
•Drift moved out of Secret, so now any and all future move ins will be in house plots.
I got the entire Cabana set from someone and I scanned Fang’s amiibo card to move him in!
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Visited my husband's town to get a petition signed for Bruce and sold my turnips for a decent profit.
- Let my husband visit my town.
- Removed the flowers around Chow's old plot and placed down patterns since I realized I forgot to do that yesterday.
- Received Chow's picture in the mail.
- Ordered another classic buffet and rearranged my Memories room in the museum to make room for Chow's picture since the previous layout was full.

- Checked his mail.
- Sold some items at Retail.
Today I had a couple nice things happen for me
- I found out that my town is perfect, I got really happy cuz im gonna be able to make the flower clock, and upgrade my town hall, and now i can finally get Jacobs Ladders :O, Im also gonna get the golden watering can
-I found out from my villagers that O'Hare is apparently moving out on the 22nd, :D So now i can get either Lucky or Boots from the villager trading forum for my town, I just need 1 more villager to move out (Hopefully Fang, whom im gonna ignore) and then i can get the other
-I also started to finish up my fossils and now im getting very very close to completing that exhibit so I cant wait
-In addition to the fossils (sorta outside my town) I did my first trade today on the forums :D
Visited someone living a month in the past to complete my diving catalog. Need the Mitten Crab for the fishing catalog, and will need some patience for the Bagworm and Scorpion for the bug catalog.

Oh, and finally got my twentieth fortune read by Katrina, so I have the shop on Main Street.
One of those weeks where I don't really have too much time (or motivation) to do what I want, but hey, it happens. Did a few things today, at least.

- T&T Mart opened today, and Kicks' shoe store should be completed tomorrow.
- Portia randomly pinged me today, and suggested the Yield Sign PWP.
- Started work on the Reset Center. Hoping to pay it off tonight, just a bit short on Bells.

But most importantly, I'm starting on my super secret (it's not actually that secret) project! I've started the base planning and have started working on it in small bits in-game. Really looking forward to completing this project, since it is something everyone can use. It's just going to take an extremely long time to finish... but I'm doing it!
Made a brand new town today since I got more free time and decided to go with my original town name, Oceana. For some reason, Oceana is a town name I really like, so I will stick with it for now. Anyway, moved in today and met my five new villagers, Cube, Greta, Sydney, Samson, and Cookie. Also got my house set in a nice new place, next to the ocean. So now I hear the ocean in my house when I go inside. Did the usual chores and Isabelle's tips and donated a few bugs and fish. Other than that, that's what I did today. :)
Happy no one asked to move in my main town. I've had 5 movers in 11 days.
Bought the first hairbow since the Gracie Princess stuff appeared. Surprised that it took 12 days for it to appear.
Gave it to my spare town mayor to hide her bedhead.
Zell moved out, gave him to my bf and when I TT’d back he gave me his picture!! My first villager picture! ^^