What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Finished pathing my secondary town today and like the paths (it’s a fairytale town.) Having a flag made for it and just found out that I can get a grade in my graphic design class by making whatever I want, so I’ll peobably make a signature this weekend.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Saharah and both were exclusives, the lunar horizon and Saharah's desert, so I was pretty happy about that.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Worked on breeding some more orange cosmos, black cosmos and orange lilies.

- Checked his mail.
So once Zell moved out, I TT’d to get Aurora from a very kind person who also had given me Sprinkle. So I have two penguins now!! So excited they’re both so gosh darn cute!!
One of those weeks where I don't really have too much time (or motivation) to do what I want, but hey, it happens. Did a few things today, at least.

- T&T Mart opened today, and Kicks' shoe store should be completed tomorrow.
- Portia randomly pinged me today, and suggested the Yield Sign PWP.
- Started work on the Reset Center. Hoping to pay it off tonight, just a bit short on Bells.

But most importantly, I'm starting on my super secret (it's not actually that secret) project! I've started the base planning and have started working on it in small bits in-game. Really looking forward to completing this project, since it is something everyone can use. It's just going to take an extremely long time to finish... but I'm doing it!

Bit of an update,

- Paid off that Reset Center. It'll be ready tomorrow! Hoping to pop in one day to see Mr. Resetti. ~
- Flora pinged me, and I stupidly talked to her and she had second thoughts on leaving, but decided to still move. Thank the Lords. I'd have lost motivation if Flora decided to stay, since I had Portia do the same thing! I just want a villager slot open for Elmer, dang it! XD
broke my axe from cutting bamboo, couldnt find one in leif store. (needed to contol the bamboo from spreading too much)
Cafe PWP donations is around 1/8 done.
did a few errands for villagers.
Did some fossil hunting and sold them.
cleaned out me inventory by a bit
Got a pic from rosie! Thank you Rosie!
Wow, this is real old but I'll use it as an outlet lmao
I've been absent from the game for a while and so promised myself to put in effort today! :)
I finished decorating my house and payed off a house loan.
I also redid my pathways as they were sort of an eye sore and re-landscaped a lot of my town.
I'm really happy with the result :))
So today I managed to do one or two things
-I found out what plot resetting was, and i prepared my village for the future villagers that will be moving in very soon so now i should have all my viillagers moving right near my house which is where i want them so i can then start decorating my town how i want it
-I Found out Kitty will also be moving out on the 21st :D so i will have enough open villager spots to buy both Lucky and Boots from the forum (Im waiting on Lucky right now)
-My Mint and PomPom cards arrived today so i can't wait to move them into the village
Today, I mainly worked on rearranging some of my trees before I plan to do a complete town overhaul once I get all of my dreamies :)
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit to sell turnips since I had a decent price.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the visitor badge.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours and caught some fish and bugs to sell.

- Checked his mail.
- Talked to a couple of villagers and completed a request for Grizzly.
- Sold a few items at Retail.
I placed and payed off the campsite today! Other than that I just did tasks for villagers.
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I got my first camper in the campsite, which was Genji, and finally unlocked Shampoodle! Otherwise, just a couple random tasks for villagers and a short bell-farming session on the island.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Worked on some landscaping.
- Watered my orange and black cosmos and orange lilies to breed more.
- Found a random pink lily and blue pansy in my town after it rained yesterday.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours, and caught a full basket of fish and bugs to sell.
- Completed both daily Meow tasks and a weekly Meow task.

- Checked his mail.
- Sold an item at Retail.

Also, this wasn't technically in my town but I got Nana to move from my husband's town to my spare town to make sure she didn't end up back in Sakura. She was one of my starters and, although she's cute, I want to see new faces. She just cycled through my 16 villager cycle a few days before she was set to move out of my husband's town and I have an open space. So I'm glad I avoided having her passed back to my main town. That's the only downside of having multiple towns and 3DS's. We keep passing the same villagers back and forth. :rolleyes:
I honestly didnt get much done today, but i did get some crucial work done
-I managed to catch a coeleocanth today, and gave it to the museum, and caught an Oarfish for the fishing tourney
-I ended up scanning in Mint, and I'm kicking out Peggy :( she's a nice villager and it's sad to see her go, but i also like mint :3
I picked out locations for a couple future PWPs I want to build. Too bad today's the fishing tourney so I can't actually start any of them :p
Main Town-Mayor bought Paula birthday present. Dropped by Big Top house and found out Paula was trying to skip town.
Stopped her.
3rd Player-Perfect oranges were premium at retail. Spare town dropped by to sell their oranges. Dropped by spare town to help with the train station upgrade.
Since today was the fishing tourney in my town, I wasnt able to move in my next dream villager PomPom :( I had pompom as my first villager in Wild World when i first got the game and i've wanted her back

I did managed however to plot reset Mint to get her where I wanted her house to be, so my little village around my house is starting to form, Once i get all my dream villagers moved in im gonna do some major landscaping to overhaul how my town looks, I've got a lot of plans in store, and itll be starting with the lower half of my village to make it completely optimized for a perfect cherry tree farm

Edit: I also managed to buy the golden axe from someone today, and Im starting on my way to get the QR code machine from Sable
I also managed to obtain a couple of paintings (13/33) as of now, and i got 1 fossil closer to completing my fossil part of the museum (I only have 2 Left :O)
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I finally got to the island and did some bug catching! I know feel like I'm swimming in money at 500,000+ :D

I'm sure Tom Nook will soon make me poor again though! :p