What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Yet another day of not getting much done, but the plan for tonight is to make at least 250,000 Bells for Turnips in the morning. Other than that, my progress is kind of halted behind time-gated content (upgrades, etc). Kinda just taking it one day at a time.

Few things for today, though:
- Flora will be in boxes tomorrow, and out on Monday... I'll finally be able to bring in my sixth villager.
- Nook's Homes had the uneven stone roof, as well as a few other exteriors that I bought. My house is very quickly getting that 'rustic' feel!

Besides the two above points, I did partake in the fishing tournament. I got to first place on my first Loach with a size of 8.68 inches. Went to the ceremony only to find out I got knocked down to fourth place. Literally loses third place by like 0.10 inches. Dora managed to find some gigantic Loach that was like 9 inches...

Oh well.
In Hanguri I worked on finishing up paying for the Museum upgrade thanks to some late night bug hunting. Skipped the fishing tourney this time. Added a few items to the catalog. Finally got a second Triforce Stump in my landscaping. Got a new KK Song for my player. Not much else though.
I participated in the fishing tourney, got my first hybrid in my new town (an orange tulip), and before I head to bed I'm going to head to the island to start setting up for late night fishing and bug catching! The island was one of my favorite parts of NL back when I originally played many years ago.
Im decorating coralines house and finally finished customizing everything. Now i just need to get all of the items from people on here, because theres like 15 that i desperately need but dont have. As soon as her house is done i can upload the town to the dream suite! After like 2 years lol
- Talked to all my villagers.
- Got a new song from K.K.
- Planned out some more landscaping, which I'll start working on soon.
- Watered my orange lilies, orange cosmos and black cosmos to breed more of them.
- Got third place in the Fishing Tourney, which was really exciting for me because I didn't plan it and that was the only trophy I was missing.
- Got a jellyfish lamp, which I wanted for my underwater room.
- Let my husband visit to get an exterior from my Nook's Homes and he gave me an octopus chair and a gold nugget.
- Added the new jellyfish lamp and octopus chair to my underwater room in the museum.

- Checked his mail.
- Talked to a few villagers.
- I think he got first place in the Fishing Tourney because his fish was the largest, but Mint was standing in the number 1 spot on the podium when I attended the ceremony with my mayor. So I'll have to check out what I get in the mail tomorrow. It's not really important either way, but now I'm curious. I should have paid more attention while Chip was making the announcements.
After hours of resetting, I finally got Bruce's house in the spot I wanted! Because he was scanned in through amiibo, he only wanted to plot on Marina's previous place (because he replaced her, and for some reason amiibo scans tend to want to plot on the previous villagers' plot). I'm so glad I was able to get his house where I wanted it, I was pretty much ready to give up lol :p
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- participated in the Fishing Tourney and placed second
- talked to most of my villagers
- planted a few new peach trees
- rearranged some of the furniture in my mermaid room and added a couple of new items
- did a bit more work on my observatory room in the museum
- visited the island and caught a few bugs and fish to sell to Reese
- got Cyrus to customise my soft-serve lamp to strawberry
I wanted to place a new PWP but the town hall was closed AGAIN for Shamrock Day. Smh. So, I just talked to all my villagers, ran errands, donated fossils to the museum, and wrote a couple of letters.

Oh, and one funny thing: Tad sent me a letter and a present that said something like "I've been watching you so I know what you like! This gift should be perfect!" and I was like ok, sure Tad, I love you but everyone always sends me stuff I don't need." But then I opened the present to find he had sent me modern wood flooring - and I actually have been collecting the modern wood theme! It was so perfect, I love my little buddy <3
I redecorated my mayor's bedroom. It originally had pastel roccoco furniture and I wanted to change it to something else since I was using roccoco furniture for the main room, so I bought the princess series instead.
In Redwood, I woke up to find that today was Shamrock day and I went to talk to Isabelle and she gave me a Shamrock hat. Felyne told me that Bianca was thinking about moving so I went to find her and try to convince her not to move. Stitches wanted me to get signatures for his Pecans and Walnuts for All petition so I ventured out of Redwood to find signatures for his petition. After I got all the signatures, I went back to Redwood and as I was looking for stitches, Erik seemed to know that I was looking for him and wanted me to deliver a package to him. I finally found Stitches and gave him both the package and the petition and he gave me a time clock and a garbage can for all my hard work.

In Tiramisu, Etoile was selling a chic wall so I figured she must need the money so I bought it from her even tho I didn't need it. Other than that, none of my other villagers had any requests for me. Since it was Shamrock day, I guess they wanted me to take a day off and enjoy the event.
In Hanguri, I bought my first batch of turnips for 91 bells and now for the fun part. Got a joke from Shrunk. Got some more hybrids for landscaping. All in all just a normal day for me. Still waiting for Pecan to move so I can put my alt. character's house down.
So i did a couple of things today
-I got 7 more works of art to my museum's collection of paintings, and now i am 20/33 i'm getting close!
-I got one more fossil that I needed, so i only need 1 more
- I had my birthday party in game today, and I obtained the shamrock hat
- I also purchased 2.1 Million bells worth of turnips (Turnips were 104 Bells today), im looking to make a big profit this week so i can finish my home loan, im getting very close, then i can really start doing other things in my town
Quick Edit: I got a bunch more works of art for my museum, and now im 2 away from finishing the art section! :)
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The only thing I accomplished today was in Treehut, Soliel asked to move, so I let her. Hopefully some dreamies will appear in my campsite, or I can atleast plot reset for another dreamie.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Bought 2000 turnips from Joan since the price was a bit high this week.
- Got the Shamrock Hat from Isabelle.
- Worked on breeding more orange and black cosmos.
- Got a new black lily to spawn.
- Cut down a few trees and planted some bamboo in the area instead.
- Sent letters and gifts to all of my villagers.

- Checked his mail.
- Got the silver fishing trophy from the fishing tourney yesterday.
- Got the Shamrock Hat from Isabelle.
Town Lazy: Oddie
-recieved shamrock hat
-Scanned some pro designs off the internet
-Pierce left yesterday, his mail was recieved and read

Town Kenma: Mayor Oddie
- recieved shamrock hat
- 200,000 bells left for the cafe
- Hugh apperared in the campsite (has no space to invite him in)
- got a gaudi's lizard from gulliver
- dug some fossils and sold them
Yesterday I got the upstairs to my house and unlocked the gardening shop!

I also put the "Beautiful town" ordinance and not sure what public project I want to start yet. Maybe another bridge. That's todays task. Decide what I want to do :)