What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Lavande (Day 003: 13.April.19)

Mayor Magnolia
Starting Bells: 4948
Ending Bells: 25133

Money Rock (x8)
Ruby (Sold)
Minimalist Sofa
Cardboard Box

Reel-to-Reel (Chip)
Modern Chair (Chip) (Selling)
Squid Chair x4 (Chip) (Selling x2)
Crab Clock x4 (Chip) (Selling x3)
Football-Fish Lamp x3 (Chip) (Selling)
Marine Pop Floor x3 (Chip) (Sold x2)
Dab Table (Chip)
Sea-Anemone Bed (Chip)
Capsule-Toy Machine (Chip)
Spinning Wheel (Chip)
Juicy-Apple TV (Chip)
Lovely Chair (Chip)
Surveillance Camera (Chip)
Pendulum Clock (Chip)
Electric Kettle (Chip)

Pear Wardrobe (1400)
Weather Paper (160)
Fortune Cookie
Rook (2800)

Princess Dress (1000)
Orange Lace-Up Dress (700)
Grape Tee (640)
Flame Pants (360)
Red Polka Skirt (360)

Lacy Parasol (320)
Powdered Wig (600)
Green Headgear (800)
Orange Knit Hat (320)
Green Glasses (240)
Brown Glasses (240)
Hockey Mask (600)

Pave Lamp (3 Coupons)
Pave Sofa (3 Coupons)
Pave Chest (3 Coupons)

Butterfly Fish
Olive Flounder

Raptor Skull
Parasaur Torso
Fern Fossil

Things Done:
Today is the Fish Tourney! I did the thing where you turn in a lot of fish to get more prizes. Pale Chub: 5.20, Loach: 7.50, Loach: 7.90, Loach: 8.00, Crucian Carp: 8.40, Crucian Carp: 8.50, Crucian Carp: 8.65, Crucian Carp: 8.95, Bluegill: 10.40, Bluegill: 10.85, Horse Mackerel: 14.60, Squid: 14.90, Horse Mackerel: 15.10, Horse Mackerel: 15.55, Horse Mackerel: 16.40, Horse Mackerel: 16.50, Black Bass: 16.95, Barbell Steed: 18.50, Barbel Steed: 19.65, Carp: 21.30, Olive Flounder: 32.10, Olive Flounder: 33.10, Red Snapper: 36.35, Sea Bass: 40.50, Sea Bass: 41.80
Rock On Initiative (x1)
TPC Refresh Initiative (x3)
Invest in Yourself Initiative (x2)
Pro Design Initiative (x3)
New Flowers: White Tulips, Pink Tulips, Red Tulips, Orange Cosmos, White Pansies
Citizen Satisfaction is at 64%.
Got a letter from: Campground x3 w/ the green pumpkin, as well as the spooky wall and floor, Isabelle w/ the paw-print wall, HH Showcase
Wrote a letter to: Goldie w/ an apple, Hazel w/ an apple, myself w/ 5000 bells

Starting Bells: 4330
Ending Bells: 5035

Paw-Print Wall (Isabelle) (Sold)

Pave Wall (3 Coupons)
Pave Floor (3 Coupons)
Pave End Table (3 Coupons)

Sabertooth Skull

Things Done:
Got a letter from: Campground x3 w/ the colored pumpkins, Nintendo x2 w/ the manual (sold).
Fossil Boss Initiative (x1)
Pro Design Initiative (x3)

New Resident Azalea
Starting Clothes:
Picnic Tee (Sold)
Brown-Striped Socks (Sold)
Brown Pumps

Starting Bells: 0
Ending Bells: 1652

Oranges (x3) (Isabelle)
Lined Paper (Isabelle)
Watering Can (Isabelle)

Festivale Accessory (3 Coupons)
Pave Clock (3 Coupons)
Berliner (3 Coupons)

Things Done:
Built Azalea's house in the bottom-right corner.
Paid the 10000 bell down payment.
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It was a very busy day in Sakura.

- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Dug up all 3 gyroids since it rained in my town yesterday and sold them.
- Won first place in the Fishing Tourney and got a lot of furniture from Chip.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Visited a random dream address to work on the dreamer badge.
- Got a new song from K.K.
- Completed both daily Meow tasks.
- Went to the island, completed a tour and caught a full basket of fish and bugs to sell.
- Found the Reset Center open for the very first time and paid my first visit to Resetti! :)

- Checked his mail.
- Got a new song from K.K.
- Sold an item at Retail.
- Picked up a new hybrid black tulip that spawned and added it to his storage.
I got both of the items I'd been looking for from the fortune cookies today. Punchy also gave me his picture.
- Bought 3000 turnips from Joan.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Said good-bye to Patty.
- Visited a random dream town to work on the dreamer badge.
- Sent letters and gifts to half of my villagers.

I might play again later tonight, but I wanted to get my dailies done before Game of Thrones. I'll have to see if I have time afterwards to log back on.
-Grinded the Butterfly Discovery Tour until I had enough medals to buy the mermaid table
-Picked up some orders from two lovely TBTers (I have a stock of balloons now :D) and asked Huck to move into my town
-Completely ignored the fishing tourney like I do every fishing tourney weekend
I did get a chance to play again tonight.

- Moved the flowers from around Patty's house.
- Placed patterns down for the next villager's plot.
- Went to the island, completed a tour, and caught some fish and bugs to sell.

- Talked to several villagers to complete a daily Meow task.
- Said good-bye to Patty.
-Paid off my mortgage, so tomorrow I'll have the giant first floor!
-Plotted and paid off a new bench PWP
-Did favours for my villagers
Main Town mayor visit/host villagers. Completed Yuka petition and other villagers task.
Enjoyed Miss Paula and Miss Lolly gardening and the blossom conversation. Lolly said to try adding a blossom in tea.
They started dancing.
I did a couple villager tasks, watered a bunch of my hybrids, did a little bit of layout planning for future villagers, had a bridge PWP suggested, and planted some more trees.
Lavande (Day 004: 14.April.19)
Mayor Magnolia
Starting Bells: 25133
Ending Bells: 60396

Money Rock x8

Mom's Housewarming Gift: Polka-Dot Low Table
Black Letter Jacket (IDR) (Sold)

Snow Shirt (680) (Sold)
Work Shirt (420)
Plaid Cami Dress (600)
Ninja Pants (480)
Green Warm-Up Pants (480) (Sold)

Candy Umbrella (320) (Sold)
White Team Cap (360) (Sold)
Mohawk Wig (480)
Racing Helmet (1200)
Bandage (80)
Eye Mask (160) (Sold)

Ice-Cream Case (1800)
Shaved-Ice Maker (1200)
Flowery Paper
Fortune Cookie

T. Rex Skull
Stego Tail

Pill Bug

Things Done
New Flowers: Yellow Cosmos, Red & Yellow Pansies
Shelling Out Initiative x1
Hazel: 108 for Yellow Butterfly
Citizen Satisfaction is at 100%.

Starting Bells: 5035
Ending Bells: 9734

Minimalist Minitable (2000) Sold (2499)

Starting Bells: 1652
Ending Bells: 10517

Paw-Print Wall (Sold)
Manual (Sold)

- Received Patty's picture in the mail.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Let my husband visit my town to get a petition signed.
- Sent letters and gifts to the remaining half of my villagers.
- Completed a daily Meow task.

- Checked his mail.
- Picked up 2 new hybrids that spawned due to the rain in my town yesterday and moved them to his storage.
Lavande (Day 005: 15.April.19)
Mayor Magnolia
Starting Bells: 60396
Ending Bells: 72003

Money Rock x8
Candy Jar
Minimalist Wardrobe

Blue Diamond Shirt (Samson) (Sold)

Blue Bookcase (1900)
Trash Can (1400)
Airmail Paper
Fortune Cookie

Blue Retro Dress (720)
Kung-Fu Shirt (420)
Bear Tee (390)
Baseball Pants (480)
Grey Formal Skirt (360) (Sold)

Jockey Helmet (680)
Frog Cap (480)
Chef's Hat (360)
Camo Umbrella (320) (Sold)
Superhero Mask (1200) (Sold)
Mint Glasses (240)
King's Beard (8000)

Captain's Hat (15 Medals)
Black Wet Suit (40 Metals)

Patchwork Sofa (900)

Large Bookshelf (3 Coupons)
Lily-Pad Table (3 Coupons)
Sea Globe (3 Coupons)

Horned Elephant
Goliath Beetle
Horned Dynasty
Fruit Beetle
Wharf Roach
Rainbow Stag
Emperor Butterfly
Horned Atlas
Saw Stag
Horned Hercules
Hermit Crab
Golden Stag
Lantern Fly
Longhorn Beetle
Cyclommatus Stag
Giant Stag

Turban Shell
Sea Cucumber
Snow Crab
Sea Star
Ear Shell
Sea Slug
Sea Anemone
Pearl Oyster

Giant Trevally
Blue Marlin
Hammerhead Shark
Ribbon Eel
Saw Shark
Whale Shark

Ptera Right Wing
Archelon Skull
Plesio Torso
Tricera Skull

Things Done
New Flowers: Yellow Roses, White Tulips, Orange Cosmos, White Pansies x2, Yellow Pansies
New Resident: Chadder
Samson gets a cool Cow Skull from Pango and I get an ugly Blue Diamond Shirt. Tsk. And he has fleas! Though, he did give me an Illusion wall for an orange.
Pango tried to sell me an apple for 408. Does she think me a fool?
Gulliver washed up on the beach today. He goes on about Hawaii.
Strike It Rich Initiative x3
Payed back the 98000 loan.
Dive Deep Initiative x3
HQ Stag Beetle Initiative x2

Starting Bells: 9734
Ending Bells: 17834

Money Rock x7

Mom's Housewarming Gift: Alpine Chair

Starting Bells: 10517
Ending Bells: 18617

Money Rock x7
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Making great progress in my new town! Finally got to enact my first ordinance, i'm heading to the island tomorrow too which is great! Plan on earning a bunch of bells.. hehe :)
- stopped Lucky from moving out
- bought two extra Princess furniture pieces from Gracie
- got some furniture customized
Also, Lucky informed me that I'm rumored to be a "hometown hero", even though I haven't done much as far as PWPs/general town progress go lately.
I've never really landscaped a town before but I decided I really want one portion of my town to look like a desert (since it's called Cacturne) so I found a desert sand path and put it down in one large area. :) I also placed and paid off the hot springs PWP
finally organized all 4 of my characters' storages!
(2nd holds all my flowers/hybrids, 3rd holds all the wallpapers/floorings/extra furniture, and 4th holds all my clothing) c:
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- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Let my husband visit my town and he gave me a gold nugget.
- Visited my husband's town and sold my bamboo and ore at his Retail for premium prices.
- Visited a random dream town to work on the dreamer badge.
- Went to the island, completed a tour, and caught a bunch of fish and bugs to sell.

- Checked his mail.
- Picked up a new pink tulip that spawned and placed it in his storage.
Pretty busy last two days. Talked to Phineas and picked up the bronze visitor's badge, gold turnip badge, silver balloon badge, and bronze weeding badge. So that's exciting stuff.

I am trying to get to 80% catalog. Per my count, I've taken the catalog from roughly 65% to 73% thanks to some TBT-heavy purchases here on the forums. I now have a bunch of stuff that I was just looking to catalog--maybe I'll get a bunch of wrapping and do a random giveaway like I saw someone else doing in Re-Tail to work on the visitor badge too. Could be fun.

Other than that, things have been fairly low-key. Spent some time on the island focusing on earning Tortimer Medals. That's a drag. And Apple is moving out in a week, if anyone wants her.