What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

-Spent half an hour looking for a tiger butterfly for Tom
-Paid of home loan so I can get a second floor
-Placed and paid off the sphinx PWP in my desert
-Picked a path for a different portion of my town and laid down a small bit of it
I finally hit perfect town status in this town today! :) I also sold my turnips and used the money to pay off my secret storage so I could get another room added to my house. It's starting to get cramped in there. Aaaaand Diva suggested the log bench PWP, so I'm pretty happy about that. I don't have very many good PWPs available to me haha.

-Spent half an hour looking for a tiger butterfly for Tom

I hope he gave you his pic for that
I said goodbye to Greta, watered my hybrids, talked to villagers and did a couple tasks, had Pashmina suggest a Wisteria Trellis PWP, and did an island trip to earn bells.
I got the golden watering can and I finally got to plant more trees because I dont have to worry about perfect town no more.
Flip gave me his pic even though I got it from April fools but it was nice to actually earn his.
Lavande (Day 006: 16.April.19)
Mayor Magnolia
Starting Bells: 72003
Ending Bells: 253896

Money Rock x8

Hula Doll (Gulliver)
Sleek Side Table (Hazel)

Arched Mermaid Door (4000)
Mermaid Exterior (5600)
Fairytale Mailbox (3600)

Makeup Case (1200)
Milk Can (980)
Flowery Paper
Fortune Cookie

Chef's Outfit (640)
Vogue Quest (680)
Pop Bloom Tee (360) (Sold)
Kung-Fu Pants (360)
Black-Denim Skirt (480) (Sold)

Paw Umbrella (320)
Top Hat (480)
Red-Zap Helmet (600)
Ninja Hood (480)
Doctor's Mask (80)
Masquerade Mask (480)
Post-Op Patch (320)

Corn Plant (1170)

Snake Plant (1200) (Goldie)

Sailor's Hat (15 Medals)
Mermaid Wall (40 Medals)

Migratory Locust
Walking Stick

Things Done
Kicked Azalea out of the town. I didn't like how her name started with an A. I think I'd prefer her name to be something like Orchid or Narcisa. Whoops, forgot to get my fortune Cookies from her. All well.
New Flowers: Yellow Pansies, Orange Cosmos, White Tulips x2, Red Roses x2, Red Tulips
Letters: 1 from Gulliver and 3 from the Campgrounds.
We have construction going on in the town area, I am guessing that it is that flower shop.
Chadder tried to tried a Black Flannel Shirt for my Goliath Beetle. Trying and failing to scam me. Now he is calling me Genius. Hmm...
Keep Lavande Beautiful Ordinance
Suspension Bridge Paid for.
Hazel gave me some Medicine! Nice. She also asked for an ocean fish. I gave her a Sea Bass. In exchange, she gave me a Sleek Side Table.
Nate wants me to give Hazel a package. She got a Loud Bloom Tee, but she already bought one, so she wanted to sell it to me for 287. However, I put all my money away, so I couldn't buy it.

Starting Bells: 17834
Ending Bells: 1944

Money Rock x8

Pachy Skull
Dinosaur Track

Things Done
Paid off the 39800 loan.
Lavande (Day 007: 17.April.19)
Mayor Magnolia
Starting Bells: 253896
Ending Bells: 153656

Music Stand
Money Rock x8
Emerald (Sold)
Claw-Foot Tub

Elegant Paper (400)
Fortune Cookie
Cement Mixer (800) (Selling)
Sleek Chair (700) (Selling)

White-Violet Bag (80)
Sapling (60)
Axe (400)

Misty Tee (380)
Gaudy Dress (800) (Sold)
Ribbon Dress (720) (Sold)
Black Track Pants (360) (Sold)
Wrestler Pants (360)

Zebra Umbrella (320)
Blue Headgear (800)
Lion-Dance Mask (1600)
Makar's Mask (240)
Monocle (320)
Curly Mustache (160)
Thick Glasses (320) (Sold)

Bathmat (480)

Pancakes (3 Coupons)
Kitchen Refrigerator (3 Coupons)
Kitchen Island (3 Coupons)

T. Rex Torso
Dimetrodon Skull
Mammoth Torso

Things Done
Gave Hazel a greeting.
New Flowers: Yellow Pansies, Red Cosmos, 2 Red Tulips, Orange Tulips, Yellow Tulips, Red Roses, Yellow Cosmos
Timbra moved in.
Gave a spider to Samson; he gave me an effects rack.
Beekeeper Initiative x2
Pango gave me an apple.
Funded the new Suspension Bridge.

Things Done
Letters: HH Showcase
Talked to Tortimer.
A lot, even though I didn't play much today. I did my dailies, talked to sable (still a new town), and got a bunch of gyroids from the previously rainy day, as well as my fossils! Made it to the island and got around 80,000 at the re-tail! Had a productive night :)
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit my town to buy a fortune cookie and a statue from Redd.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the visitor badge.
- Found a new plot for Deirdre in the perfect spot!
- Removed the patterns from around Deirdre's plot and replaced them with flowers.
- Completed a weekly Meow task.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours, and caught some fish and bugs to sell.

- Checked his mail.
Mayor Completed tasks for villagers and stopped a mover
Bought the last painting for one of my towns. Just need statues for 3 more towns.
Player 3- Cleared her mail box and found an orange tulip in a letter from Paula.
today i saw my first rare sunset, which was amazing! so i reluctantly updated my town dream, even though my last town dream was saved during cherry blossom season and it was so beautiful T_T but alas! i also dug up 3/4 fossils.. one has been missing for a while so i need to dedicate some time to find that over the weekend lol. two of the fossils i already had, but one of them was spino tail which completed the set for me! i now only need 10 more fossils which is so exciting. watered my roses as i'm working on breeding more pink roses.. once i get enough of those i plan to work on blue roses, lol will need a lot of help with that! also visited the islands for a quick tour but ended up leaving earlier than planned. TGIT and i can play some more tomorrow :)
-Completed villager requests
-Placed the illuminated heart PWP
-Went to the island and did some tours to save up medals for mermaid furniture
-Decorated the new second floor of my house
I added to my joke book, only 5 left ahh!
Found a couple more pink flowers.
Finally had an opening ceremony for my well.
And bought a painting from Redd.
Talked to my villagers a bunch, which was nice. I've been cleaning and organizing a lot the past few days so I took a break from that to enjoy the cute critters!
In both Treehut and Luminosa I unlocked the island for my alts. Soleil also moved out of Treehut.

But my best accomplishment today was getting my last cranky, Octavian, to move in Treehut :D He was in my campsite while I had 8 villagers so he was gonna move in one way or another. I thought it would take me alot longer to get him since my town already has 2 crankies plus he's an octopus, so he's even more rare. Now, if only I can manage to get my other dreamies throu this lucky campsite. Its how I got Roscoe too.
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- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Welcomed Deirdre to my town.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Sent Deirdre a welcome letter and gift.
- Sent letters to half of my villagers.
- Visited a couple of dream towns.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Saharah.

- Checked his mail.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Saharah.
- Swapped out the red flowers around Deirdre's house for pink flowers.
Found silver axe in my island shop and grinded over to earn metals to buy a lot.

- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Stopped Annabelle from moving.
- Visited my husband's town to get a petition signed for Mint.
- Let my husband visit my town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Decided I wanted to move in Lily from my spare town as my tenth villager, so I time traveled in that town until she left.
- Visited my spare town in hopes of picking up Lily through the void. Keeping my fingers crossed her plot will be there tomorrow.
- Plucked at least 500 weeds in my spare town, dug up all the fossils and picked up all the mushrooms to sell.
- Found THREE lucky clovers! :D
- Got a tulip dresser and cosmos fan from Leif.
- Grabbed a red cosmos to complete the landscaping on my beach.
- Got a pink carnation from my town too.

- Picked up the new pink carnation and an orange cosmos for storage.
- Got a visit from Annalisa while in his home and she gave me a rococo wall.
- placed some paths
- got Zell to move in from campsite
- decorated my house a bit
- refurbished some kiddie furniture to be pastel
- got second floor of the museum
- got silver shovel
- planted some trees
- swapped out the gyroids in club lol for cute warbloids/mini warbloids
So far today I have fixed my villagers bedroom, almost finished my orchards, and I got hazel's photo
- dug up fossils
- it rained like 3 times this week so with all the gyroids I've dug up I started an exhibit in my museum
- gave a butterfly to Vesta

I don't really do much. I'm waiting to get one more villager before I start laying paths down and actually working on my town