What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Main Town
Mayor celebrated her birthday, completed tasks and stopped Yuka from moving.
Ordered Sanrio wall/carpet for 2nd players Sweet/birthday room.

3rd player checked the police station and found out Phineas was in town. Got the bronze streetpass badge.
Paid for the Classic Police Station pwp!~
Paid off my current home loan, and put in an order for what I believe to be the final expansion!
Time-travelled to the evening to catch a bunch of beetles.
Completed a handful of island tours.
Got a coffee at the Roost.
- Successfully got Lily to plot exactly where I wanted her, in front a little pond.
- Visited my husband's town to sell turnips at a reasonable profit.
- Let my husband visit my town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Started kicking up some of my plot resetting patterns and rearranging flowers.
- Completed a daily and a weekly Meow task.
- Got a new song from K.K.

- Checked his mail.
- Pulled some blue roses out of storage to decorate around Lily's house.
- Pulled some other flowers out of storage to fill in places where I had plot resetting patterns.
- Sold a few items at Retail.
- Got a new song from K.K.
Not a lot, but I talked to my villagers and did tasks for a couple of them. Also noticed Spork visiting the campsite so I played some of the camp games for furniture.
i've been so lazy recently with playing acnl i got to the main screen and closed my ds lol, i really need to get back into the game.
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- Bought 3000 turnips from Joan.
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Welcomed Lily to town.
- Kicked up the remaining plot resetting patterns while making the rounds for bamboo and easter eggs.
- Got Zipper's picture, the only thing I really cared about receiving from the event this year.
- Sent Lily a welcome letter with a gift.
- Ordered a classic buffet to add to my Memories room for Zipper's picture.

- Checked his mail.
- Took a few flowers out of storage to fill in the last of the spaces where I removed patterns.
- Greeted Lily.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Got the Cool Globe from Isabelle.
- Let my husband visit and he gave me an Egg Lamp, a Treasure Chest, and 2 gold nuggets.
- Had Cyrus refurbish my gold nuggets and got the Gold Wall.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Replaced the last plot resetting pattern with a white lily.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours, and caught some fish and bugs to sell.
- Got the classic buffet I ordered yesterday and set it up with Zipper's picture in my Memories room.

- - - Post Merge - - -

- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Got the Cool Globe from Isabelle.
- Let my husband visit and he gave me an Egg Lamp, a Treasure Chest, and 2 gold nuggets.
- Had Cyrus refurbish my gold nuggets and got the Gold Wall.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Replaced the last plot resetting pattern with a white lily.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours, and caught some fish and bugs to sell.
- Got the classic buffet I ordered yesterday and set it up with Zipper's picture in my Memories room.
I managed to get Ketchup, Papi and Blanche within the same day; will hopefully be getting Ruby before sleep and thus that'll be my dream villagers acquired! :D

Always satisfying to finally get them!
i made a new town two days ago, so i worked on that. mayor mac of badwater. it's going to be a cowboy town with cows, horses, sheep, and goats. today, chevre moved in and he got some pictures taken.

baby watered some flowers

mimi ran some errands

danny talked to mac the dog
Started playing in one of my oldest towns again today. I've decided to finally replace all the bushes that aren't hydrangeas with them, and Diana just suggested the statue fountain which I have been waiting YEARS for in this town, so I'm planning out where to build that and how to landscape around it. Also I'm gonna replace Mira with someone else.
- dug up a few fossils and gyroids and sold them to Reese
- planted a few new azalea bushes
- took a package over to Deirdre from Julian and got a melon gingham tee as a reward
- completed all my weekly and daily town initiatives
- went to the island and caught a few bugs and fish to sell to Reese
- visited the Reset Center
It's been a while since I played, so today was a bittersweet day in Historia.
*Keaton moved out in the time I was gone (as planned). He sent me his picture in the goodbye letter.
*A blue violet has sprouted in my town (my first ever blue flower).
*I weeded the entirety of my town.
*I caught 3 new fish and 2 new insects for my museum.
*I added a new K.K. Slider song to my collection.
*Said hello to all of my villagers.
*Did a few favors, mostly for Ankha.
*Paid off the flower bed PWP (I will be creating a mini-garden on Keaton's old plot in honor of him).
Haven't really been playing in Fandom as far as actually playing. I have been checking in everyday to make sure certain villagers don't leave me.

I did do Bunny Day and got a few eggs to decorate my town. Monday I just played and donated the fossils. Today just walked around and did dailies and donated a fossil...one more step closer to museum upgrade...also got some more blue roses and violets.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Picked up some stray flowers.
- Updated my dream address for the first time since winter! My town is finally at a point where I consider it complete even though I'll still be cycling out villagers every now and then to keep things fresh.

- Checked his mail.
- Picked up a few white carnations to add to his storage.
- Sold an item at Retail.
*Planted flowers for Historia's Keaton Celebration Garden.
*Added a fish to my museum.
*Did a few favors for my villagers, particularly Samson.
*Played with Shari at the camp. I haven't decided whether I'll invite her to join my town yet.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Sold my turnips for an amazing profit!
- Let my husband visit my town to sell his turnips and he gave me 3 gold nuggets.
- Had Cyrus refurbish the gold nuggets and got a golden bench.
- Visited my husband's town and chatted with his villagers.
- Sterling gave me his picture!
- Went to the island and caught some fish and bugs to sell.
- Completed a weekly Meow task.

- Checked his mail.
today i just went on cleaned up my town a bit checked out the stores and what they had in them. I talked to a few of the villagers and dug up a few fossils, i'm trying to find the motivation to play more and taking it slowly i always have periods where i play so much and then i just stop out of no where.
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In Redwood, I got my fortune told by Katrina and found out that an iconic top will bring me good fortune. Ketchup wanted to play a game of hide-and-seek so I said that I would play and I found all of them and she is gonna send me a prize since my pockets was too full to take it. Bianca pinged and said she was moving but I asked her not to go. Stitches wanted some furniture for his house so I gave him a sapling clock and he gave me a baby bear.

In Tiramisu, I got my fortune told by Katrina and found out that a T-shirt will be the key to narrowly avoid impending disaster. Poppy wanted some perfect fruit so I got her a perfect pear and gave it to her and she then gave me a stripe clock. Zucker wanted to replace his record player with something else so I gave him a cassette player and he gave me a polka-dot sofa.