What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Talked to villagers, brought stuff from the nookling store, sold stuff to re-tail, caught some bugs, got my daily coffee, worked part-time and got my daily emotion from shrunk.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Completed all of my daily town maintenance.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Completed a daily Meow task with my alt.

In Nocturne:
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Watered all of the flowers.
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Welcomed Roscoe to town.
- Talked to Sable.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Saharah.
- Caught several more fish and bugs to donate to the museum.
- Paid off my home loan and ordered the next expansion for my house.
- Finished mapping out my entire town on a grid, so now I can start planning where everything will go! :D
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Finally got the last piece of the Gracie furniture set! I'm really glad I can stop stressing myself out about having to earn a lot of bells every day now. I'm actually only missing two more Gracie-exclusive items at all now, but they're both spring items. Got a while to go on those!

I've recently started trying out the "wetsuit trick" to get my most coveted PWP unlocked. It worked to the extent that it got me a new PWP, but not the one I'm after. Just gotta keep trying, I suppose.
I've been doing the usual things, but today I've also been catching brown cicadas since Reese is paying premium for them. It's pretty pleasant to just go around town, looking for those cicadas - during the hunt I've also ended up finding other nice bugs too, such as banded dragonflies and jewel beetles. :D
I also got rid of my bed hair.
Ketchup moved in at a great spot :D Also got some flowers planted in the sandbox and around it, hopefully I can get perfect town soon... They are never satisfied :(
Dug up fossils, talked to my villagers, brought stuff from the nookling store (I think it should upgrade to T.I.Y soon), sold stuff to re-tail, caught some fish, got daily coffee, worked part-time (Hopefully, he'll start to give me the last few items soon), got my emotion from shrunk and finished decorating a room in my house. I've got two more rooms to go, and only have an idea for one of them
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Let my mayor from Nocturne visit to pick up a cherry, a stained glass lamp, and a bunch of hybrid flowers.
- Got a new song from K.K. with both my mayor and my alt.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found the money rock and the gem rock.
- Found all 4 fossils and donated them to the museum.
- Roscoe gave me a painting and it turned out to be real so I donated it to the museum.
- Caught several more fish and bugs and donated the new ones to the museum.
- Got the Insect Maniac badge from Phineas for completing 50% of my bug encyclopedia.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- Found Leif's Garden Shop being built on Main Street.
- Organized all of the flowers in town and watered the ones that I want to keep/breed.
- Visited Sakura to pick up a bunch of blue, purple, and black hybrids and set them up on my beach.
- Watered the hybrids that I want to breed.
- Cancelled the Bell Boom Ordinance and enacted the Beautiful Town Ordinance.
This was a few days ago, but I finally got the gold slingshot! I let out the loudest freaking gasp and got a pic of it the moment I saw it. xD

Dug up fossils, talked to my villagers, brought some stuff, caught some fish and bugs, sold stuff to re-tail, got my daily coffee (Couldn't work at the cafe today sadly, due to the fireworks thing that will happen later) and got my emotion from Shrunk (Still have a long way to go with Shrunk's emotions). Also, I'll hopefully attend the fireworks thing tonight
I redecorated the basement of my house to create a modern, chill vibe! Trying out lots of new furniture. It's still a work in progress though. Also talked to my villagers and watched the fireworks in the evening :)
I finally finished the layout for another area in my town, the only thing missing are bushes now!
I spent an entire hour planning this part of my town today, even though it's only a 6x10 area or so..
Got all the items from Redd's cookies. Took a while, but it was worth it as now I don't have to buy anymore from him
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Watched the fireworks.
- Completed both daily Meow tasks.
- Went to the island, completed a couple of tours and caught a full basket of fish and bugs to sell.
- Got the Gold Medalist badge from Phineas for island medals! Finally! :D

In Nocturne:
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Got the star bopper from Isabelle.
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Bought a birthday gift for Bones and celebrated his birthday with him.
- Talked to Sable.
- Watered my flowers.
- Greeted O'Hare.
- Caught a tiger beetle and donated it to the museum.
- Bought 800 turnips from Joan.
- Found the money and gem rock.
- Found all 4 fossils and donated them to the museum.
Dug up fossils (Took me forever for some reason today), talked to some villagers, went to Super T&T (I think I might get the upgrade prompt tomorrow. If not, it'll be soon), sold stuff to re-tail, got my daily coffee, worked part-time and got my emotion from shrunk
Today I got the last fireworks prize that I was missing from Redd! Looks like my fortune cookie voodoo still works, as about half the cookies I got from him were winners just like last time.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Sent letters and gifts to all of my villagers.
- Completed a daily Meow task with my mayor.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Saharah on both my mayor and my alt.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Completed a daily and a weekly Meow task.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Saharah.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Talked to Sable.
- Found the money and gem rock.
- Found all 4 fossils and donated them to the museum.
I customized a ton of furniture today, and worked on a path where a villager is going to be moving out! I'm also ever so slowly planning out my bushes and lining the paths.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Let my husband visit my town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Visited my husband's town to get a petition signed.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Watered the flowers that I want to breed.
- Found all 4 fossils and was able to donate 1 to the museum.
- Caught a shark and donated it to the museum.
- Found the gem rock and the money rock.
- Cut down a few trees so I have stumps for the longhorn beetle to spawn.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
I planned out where some more bushes are going, and planted a bunch too! All in all thats going pretty well. I also figured out where I want my Cafe to go, I just need to wait for Tabby to move out since they're in a pretty inconvenient place.