Today in Sakura I:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Woke up Gulliver with my alt and correctly guessed his destination.
- Prepared birthday gifts for Grizzly with both my mayor and my alt.
In Nocturne:
- Visited Katrina and got my fortune told for the first time.
- Spoke to Sable for the first time.
- Created a new town flag.
- Changed the town tune.
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Caught a bunch of fish and bugs and donated any new ones to the museum.
- Got my painting in the mail from Redd and donated it to the museum.
- Found all 4 fossils and donated them to the museum.
- Laid out a few more patterns to protect certain areas from move-ins.
- Found and planted my perfect orange and the pears I got from Isabelle.
- Found the gem rock and the money rock.
- Paid off my down payment so I'll get my house tomorrow.
- Found Wisp's lamp.
- Completed a daily Meow task.